10:44 pm [10]

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Blue- Italics
Gabriel- Bold

"Blue's clues?"

"That's me!"

"It's been so long! Why haven't you called?"

"I've been...busy..."

"Dealing drugs? Are you a drug dealer?"

"Crap. He's on to me. But no, I've been really busy with school and...fandoms."

"What fandoms?"

"That's a really personal question to ask, Geb."



"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine?"

"...fine...Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Harry Potter and American Horror Story...occasionally Danny Phantom."

"Did you say Danny Phantom?"


"I am going to become ghostly!!"

"Oh god why am I not surprised."

"And Teen Wolf? Stydia for life man. People also say I look like Isaac Lahey?"

"I'm actually more of a Stalia fan myself."

"Malia belongs with Theo."

"Theo's a dick."

"Well, so are you and I love you."

"I never tried to kill anybody."

"Okay, yeah, you're right."


"But don't you like Star Wars?"

"Never watched a single movie."

"What?! Not a single one?? You have to watch them."

"Are they really that good?"

"Yeah! I won't talk to you until you've watched all of them."

"What do you mean you won't talk to me?"


"Oh god, here we go."

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