C-7; Walking

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Okay, I panicked. Literally (insert number) days into the whole "schedule" thing and I already broke it... Oh well? Guess I just feel bad for ending early. This is still flashbacks. (Because Emma is knocked out and remembering the walk to Muffet's and I need a chance to go into character looks more.) Anyways good luck!

Sans POV

Undyne's gone in a flash, but not before I catch the red dusting her cheeks. Well, there goes our ride. *Sans! Don't harass Undyne!*

"whoops? guess she really misses her gillfriend."



*Stop* "Stop"

They say it together, united in their wish to eradicate my punny ways. I chuckle and follow as they begin to make their way back to the Lab. Walking in the smoldering heat, I finally notice just how nice the place looks. The walls are domed, little splashes of red reflecting from the lava. Though I suppose this counts as magma. Hotlands has always been dangerous for Frisk. When the kid first fell down they died multiple times to slipping and falling. It's been a while since then.

In fact, it's been a long time since the last reset. I'm still waiting to wake up in Snowdin, Papyrus screaming about how this is the day, laughing at puns, and finally greeting them at the door. Until then I have to live with this Frisk. They grew their hair out, leaving it just past their shoulders. They still have bangs that wrap around their head, and they wear the same sweater and jeans everyday, but they've grown too. I'm just barely taller than them. They're 16 now. And ever since they first fell down... I've felt this weird... feeling. Almost as if I-

N-NO! I don't feel that way about Frisk! Just because they're cute and funny, and their dimples are so sweet, their hair so soft, the are kind and caring, loving, and soon mine- SANS! Keep it together, cheese and rice! I can feel my face heating up. Frisk is just so....so...cute.

Am I c-crushing on F-Frisk?!?!

Frisk POV

You lead Emma as best you can along the winding paths of Hotlands. Looking over at her you notice the way her hair bounces. It curves in strange angles, almost supernaturally, it's dark black framing her roundish face. Her skin is darker than yours, but not quite brown. (Hey, that sounds like me....) She's cute, but not in THAT way. You don't feel that way about girls. Actually, you have a thing for a certain skelly...

You can feel your face heat up. Admitting it makes it true, which means you're finally saying you like- 'Bonehead right?' "Crud! Chara you scared me!" 'Sorry, I couldn't help overhear you like a certain punny skeleton named-' You push Chara's voice out of your head and start a conversation with Emma.

*So, how are you liking the tour?*

"Hmm? Oh, right! I love it! It has been great meeting people! Even if she tried to kill me...."

*Oh yeah. Sorry?*

"Don't worry about it.. So tell me about the person we were going to visit." She pushes hair out of her eyes and turns to face you. Even if she can't see you feel her gaze piercing you."

*It's a long story...*

"I'm a PATIENT person." (huh, wonder what THAT means?)

So you begin by telling about you're first encounter with Alphys, about the phone upgrade and meeting Mettaton. You laugh at the thought and let the memories engulf you.

Mettaton: Hello, beauty~ and welcome to my show!!

*Frisk is standing in Alphys' Lab holding their new phone. They smile at the box standing before them. Or wheeling they suppose. He has colorful lights for a face, and a single wheel holding him up. The room goes dark as he pulls Frisk into a fight.*

Mettaton: Are you ready to answer my questions?

Frisk: *Nods, still to shy to speak up, and steps up to the box in front of them.*

Mettaton: So... how many 'n's are in Mettatonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-?

*Frisk laugh as the amount of 'n's grows larger. They know that it's cheating, but they don't care. They are having too much fun to stop. Alphys' is behind him, holding up her hands in a big 'C'. How she does that, no one knows, but Frisk trusts her and hits 'C'. Confetti sprays as Mettaton congratulates them. It continues like this until Mettaton catches on that Alphys is showing you answers.*

Mettaton: Alphys, darling~, you need to stop cheating! Oh, I know, Frisk? Who is Dr. Alphys crushing on?

Frisk: *Gasps in surprise and see Alphys turn beet red in the back round. They giggle and click 'Undyne' almost immediately.*

*The confetti returns and Alphys turns an even darker shade of red. Mettaton chuckles then leaves, promising to meet you again.*

By now you are approaching Muffet's Shop. Wait! I should tell Emma who Muffet is! What another great chance to introduce people!! 'Good luck with that, partner, my future sense is tingling.'

You ignore Chara once again and begin to describe the area. *Okay, so, Hotlands is basically a bunch of land on top of lava. Up ahead is Muffet's Shop! Muffet is a baker for the Underground. She started out small, but now she's a household name! Muffet lives in a cave here in Hotland, which we are coming up to now. All the walls are this red color. It's beautiful-*

Sans mumbles something under his breath but you don't bother about it. This is your day to introduce Emma to everyone and Sans is not going to ruin it! (well actually...)

Emma POV

This is so cool! I haven't said, but I love this tour. Right now Frisk is telling me about Muffet and her Bakery.

*All the walls are this red color. It's beautiful-*

"just like you." Sans murmurs. My eyes widen and my mouth gapes. I can't believe it. Sans just called Frisk beautiful! Something stirs in my chest, but it isn't jealousy, no this is something so much brighter. This was the feeling of a ship being built, cherished, and sent off, ready to sail.

I wonder if Sans will confess, or if I need to get involved and play match maker....?

Sans POV

"just like you." I don't know why I said it, I just did. But whatever the reason it was true. The way her hair bounced as she walked, her beautiful hazel eyes, thinking about her made my cheeks a light blue. I couldn't believe I was falling for Frisk... though it doesn't matter anyway. Frisk is human, I am Sans, a skeleton. They couldn't, wouldn't, love me. By the time reach the cave, I have depressed myself considerably.

I need something to brighten my day. I don't care what, I know it is selfish, but I need to do something. I don't want to dampen the mood so I stay cheerful. Then everything goes horribly wrong.

By 'horribly wrong' I mean Emma, and pranks, and bad things. Anyways, I should start on the next chapter huh?

~See Ya! <3

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