C-5; Help?

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Sans POV

Welp, that just happened.

I was rolling around on the floor howling with laughter. I know it isn't nice but I can't help it. The reaction was more than I expected but it was still hilarious.

"This is NOT FUNNY! Help!!!!!" Emma was struggling hard. An idea came to mind. One that wasn't nice but sure was entertaining.

"okay, i know it isn't funny.... it's hilarious!" Frisk is glaring daggers at me by now. They go to help free Emma but a quick swipe of my hand stops that. They start in confusion until they realise I have them trapped. Keeping my magic on Frisk I teleport right up to Emma.

She is struggling and scared but still unhurt. This is the most cruel thing you have ever done sans. I silently apologize for what is about to go down. "hey, muffet! i have someone i would like you to meet..."

Emma's eyes widen. She can't see but she knows what is about to go down. Muffet decends from the ceiling slowly, a web attached to her waist. Using her eight arms she lowers herself in front of me.

This is going to be fun.

Frisk POV

'I can't believe that skeletal piece of-' 'So, how are we going to kill him?'
'You heard me. How are we going to do it? Stab him, burn him, snap all the bones in his body...'
'Chara NOOOOO!'
'Awww come on...'
'You love him DON'T you?'
'I knew it!'
'I don't know what you're talking about.'
'It is soooo obvious!'
'It is?'
'So you DO like him!'
'Pfftttt you're in love with a skeleton!'
'Chara stop, I'm trying to help Emma right now.'
'You can't remember? He has you stuck in a blue attack.'
'Oh YAH. Forgot about that.'
'Come on, let's just let the POV change. Listening in on our conversation can't be all that exiting.'
'Let the WHAT change? Chara what are you-'

Emma POV

I hate this I hate this I hate this....

I can feel Muffet's presence. It is NOT HELPING. I'm struggling once again. There is no way I am going to die here. No FREAKING WAY. "Fu hu hu hu... struggling will not help you dearie~." Gawd this has to be a bad dream. A song begins to play in the back round. "woah, muffet. i don't think a fight is necessary."
At least Sans has saved me from that awful experience. Muffet giggles, but the song ends and I am saved from yet another awful fight.

But of course that doesn't last very long. I hear a shove as Sans is pushed aside. Then the music starts up again, this time louder. I hear the spider closing in. Oh no.

Emma is gone again, this time in school. A kid has her arms pinned. The four bullies from before are back. They move closer ALL eight of their hands coming up.*

Emma: They always do this, they know I have a serious case if arachnophobia. The meer mention of the word 'spider' was enough to get me SCREAMING. *Struggles in person's grasp.*

*They are coming at me from all sides. Her leg sweeps out, tripping the guy holding her. The others are shocked, but keep coming. Emma grabs the first and hurls him into the other three. Size doesn't matter, all of them are knocked down. Adrenaline rushing through her,  she runs. She doesn't hear the screams until it's too late.*

My eyes open and I look behind. Sans and Muffet are standing there shocked. Frisk is trapped in a blue aura their eyes staring into mine. Sans calls my name but I can't stop. I need to escape. The memories, the fights, my sight coming and going. It's all too much. Then I trip and fall.

The heat is intense. Nothing at all like Snowdin's bitter cold. Then again I am falling towards lava. Wait. I'M FALLING TOWARDS LAVA!

"Help!" I scream. I can hear the others calling for me. "Help, I'm down here, help!" The hot air is drying my mouth. I can't breathe again. The lava is approaching fast. Oh well, it was nice. I close my eyes and wait for impact. Nothing happens. A blue aura fills my vision and I am slowly floated upwards. My head is spinning. Too much has happened. I feel my vision fading again. I get one last look of a worried Frisk clutching Sans like there's no tomorrow before my vision leaves completely. My conscience is quick to follow.


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