Chapter 22 - Velocitronian Wedding

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Eve's P.O.V.

I glared down the isle. "I'm not marching 'an yoooou caaaaan't make me!" I glared up at a few guards.

Aura knelt down behind mw, placing a servo on my shoulder. "Eve, I know its hard. But you have to. Do you trust me?" she asked. I looked at her, assuring emotions filling her optics, hoping that would transfer to me. I nodded. "Okay... but I'm not gonna smile!" I glared up at a guard as I said it, then turned, and slowly began to march, a small scowl on my face.

Aura couldn't help but smirk at me. "You got that right." she muttered.

Elyon and Avis were ready. One more layer, and they'd burst into the room. 

I suddenly stopped in the middle of the aisle, a smile spreading across my face, oddly. "Uncle Smokey's gonna maaaaarry you!" I sang loudly, looking back at Aura. "Wanna know why?" "Oh yeah? Why?" she asked. 

"You'll seeeeee!" I walked over them, and quickly whispered into my mother's mind, 'Not yet! I'll letchya know!' 

'Copy that Eve!' Replied Eylon. 

I finished walking down the isle, then looked at Aura. 'Don't worry Aura. Just don't say 'I do'!" 

'I won't.' she replied. 

Once the music stopped playing, all optics were on Aura and Ransack as they each looked at the Velocitronian Priest. "We are gathered here today to bring together in marriage, Lord Ransack of Velocitron and Princess Aura of Cybertron." Began the priest. 

I impatiently tapped my ped. 'Okay! Get ready...'

"Ransack, do you take Aura to be your Queen?" asked the priest. "Yes, indeed I do." answered Ransack with a smile.

'Okay mom! on the count of three!'

"And do you Aura, take Ransack to be your king?" asked the priest.


That moment, the pair broke through the layer and leapt out, optics glowing. "WE OBJECT TO THIS MARRIAGE!" Both shouted together. "IN THE NAME OF CYBERTRON!" There were gasps and screams all over the room as the guests panicked. "Guards! Seize them!" ordered Ransack. The guards charged forward at the femmes, but were flanked when two mechs leapt out it the hole and fired upon them. Ultra Magnus and Bulkhead. 

"Father!" exclaimed Aura.

Avis and Elyon blasted the incoming guards, and quickly freed Eve and Knockout. "Took you long enough!" He sighed. "Oh shut up!" Elyon snapped. "Mommy!" "C'mon Eve! Let's make them fear us!" Eve smiled and managed to knock away a guard. "Attack them, now!" ordered Ransack. More guards were joining the fight. "FEAR THOSE WHO HAVE THE POWER!" The ground split open and the guards fell into the cracks, getting stuck.

"Your attack changes nothing!" stated Ransack. "If Smokescreen isn't here then you cannot properly object this event." 

Aura's P.O.V.

"Ooooh Uncle Smoooookey!" Eve sang, tapping her ped. 

There was a loud crash noise as the giant mirror painting above the alter smashed into pieces as four figures came through. They landed in between Aura and Ransack, baring out their weapons as the leader pointed a sword at Ransack. 

"I object!" declared Smokescreen.

"That good enough for you?" asked Eve. Then suddenly screamed as Ransack grabbed her! "Nobody move!" he ordered. "So much as take one more step, and I'll kill her." "This has nothing to do with her Ransack. Let her, Aura, and the others be. This is between you and me." said Smokescreen.

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