Chapter 3 - 'Con Hunting

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Aura's P.O.V.

Later that day, me, Lunar, and Wheeljack were in the training room in the palace. The room was set up to look like a Cybertronian dojo. The walls were dark grey with energon blue lights flying along the walls to illuminate the room. A couple times a week Wheeljack would come visit and go over some fighting drills with me. Cybertron may be at peace once again, but you'll never know what danger could come

That day, we were doing hand-to-hand combat. I dodged a punch sent my way by Wheeljack, then turned and quickly delivered a blow of my own. I managed to land the blow on my opponent, who stumbled on impact. "Go Aura!" Lunar cheered. She stood on the sidelines, watching the training session unfold with a smile on her face plates. Wheeljack quickly recovered and renewed his attack. I grinned and dodged two before being caught off guard by a feigned attack. I stumbled back and glared at Wheeljack, who shrugged. "You're going to have to expect those every once and a while," he pointed out.

"Should I now?" I replied with a grin on my face. I front flipped forward into the air and delivered Wheljack a kick to the face. The wreaker crashed to the ground, and barrel rolled backwards once before jumping back up to his feet. "Not too shabby kid. Your improving." said Wheeljack. "I should hope so," I teased. "I'd hate to think this training was all for nothing." Noticing that the others had taken a break, Lunar walked up from the sidelines and smiled. "Good job," she commended. "You did pretty well." "Thanks Lunar." I grinned at Wheeljack. "Do you want to go once more, or do you want to call it a day?"

"Nah, I think that's enough for today." said Wheeljack. He walked towards the two femmes and rested his arm on the ropes of the arena. "So what's the update on the King thing?" "I literally just found out about the Royal Blood code this morning. If I don't find someone soon I'll have to be arranged in a marriage with another royal." I explained. "And who would that be?" asked Wheeljack. "I don't know. Just hope it isn't Ransack. I've heard stories about him growing up, but then when I heard he formed a partner ship with the 'Cons during the war, I'm not so sure." I answered.

Lunar shuddered. "Ugh. That guy's a creep. I heard about him a lot during my... well... y'know..." she trailed off, and an uncomfortable silence filled the air. I thought back on Lunar's past and cringed. I wouldn't have wanted to be in Lunar's shoes. "So Princess," Wheeljack said, breaking the tension, "I would rather you not end up with that 'Con, so I hope you find someone soon." I nodded and looked down. "I wish it were so easy," I muttered. "If Prime was here, I wouldn't have to face the prospect of ending up with a creep." "I know, Aura," Lunar soothed. "But don't worry. I'm sure there's some 'Bot out there fit for the job, maybe someone you've known for a long time and have just overlooked. Point is, you'll find someone right for the task."

"I hope so." I replied. The three Cybertronians heard footsteps and looked up to see Blitzstorm at the doorway of the room. "Princess Aura, your father has informed me that he will be arriving soon." said Blitzstorm. "Thanks Blitzstorm." I replied. "I should be heading off too." said Wheeljack as he jumped over the rope and landed on the floor. "I'm meeting up with Smoke' and 'Bee to look around Six Lasers." "Mind if we see you off?" I asked. "Don't see why not." answered Wheeljack. The four Cybertronians walked out of the palace to the docking bay where surprisingly Smokescreen and Bumblebee were already there waiting for Wheeljack. "What took you so long Jackie?" asked Bumblebee.

"Just chatting with these two," Wheeljack replied. "Do you think we'll be lucky and catch Shocky this tune around?" "I'm sure he'll appreciate the new nickname," Bumblebee said with a grin. "And I hope so. A lot more Cybertronians would recharge easier once Shockwave's been caught." "So then we can finally stop worrying about the Decepticons once and far all." I said. "It would be nice to not think about those guys attacking for a change." added Lunar. "Defiantly." replied Smokescreen. I gave the three mechs a small smile. "You three be careful alright? If Shockwave can survive a wave of undead Predacons he may be a challenge."

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