Chapter 1 - We Are One

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Aura's P.O.V.

Royal Log #7

It's been seven months since the revival of Cybertron. Optimus prime is now one of the AllSpark. My father Ultra Magnus, has now begun recovering from the Predacon attack just that seven months ago. When Ratchet said that the damage was severe, he wasn't kidding! He couldn't transform into his vehicle mode for almost three months because the damage was so bad. It's just like Optimus said "slowly but steady."

Prime..... it almost feels like yesterday that he left. I miss him so much. The others missing too. It's been really hard to even think about a life without Optimus Prime. If Optimus hadn't gone that day, who knows, maybe today he would become king. Which brings me to this logs topic: who's going to become the new King with Optimus gone?

At this rate only time will tell who will be chosen. At the moment Ultra Magnus is helping me finish up my lessons that I didn't get to finish because of the war that starred all those years ago, that my father King Zeta Prime couldn't finish.

It's just a miracle that I remembered everything else I've learned. I figured I would've forgotten everything with all the fighting going on. Speaking of which, now that Megatron's gone things have started to calmdown here. With new Cybertronians returning to Cybertron every day and new ones being born from the Well, now is the time for Cybertron's repopulation.

But still, many of our people are still missing, mainly the ones who decided to stay behind trying to continue fighting on Cybertron. Mainly, the Dinobots, Grimlock, Swoop Sludge, and Snarl.

Ultra Magnus told me stories about his adventures with the Dinobot's mainly hunting down Shockwave and fighting his endless army of Insecticons.

Okay now I'm really starting to get off topic! Okay back to the main thing, who's going to become King? The answer for you right now, I have no fragging idea!


I logged out of my Audio Log file and looked around my reconstructed room. Thank you Bulkhead! The walls and floors were a very light grey, with aqua blue accent highlights along the walls and pillars. My own computer network, a bed, a giant mirror, and my absolute favourite thing about this room, a balcony that looks out into the entire city. Talk about a great view huh? I looked down and viewed the front steps of the Cybertronian Palace to see my step-father outside walking to Blitzstorm. Blitzstorm was a refugee and he's now the new head of Security here at the palace. His job? Making sure I don't leave the palace.

Don't get me wrong, Blitzstorm is a nice MECH, great to talk to. So far he's only caught me sneaking out once, and that was for to meet up with Bulkhead at the fighting arena to watch Wheeljack. After the war, Wheeljack became a little local legend in martial arts fighting. The people just love him! Bulkhead is now head of construction on all of Cybertron, Arcee is a school teacher at the Protoform School, and Bumblebee is head of Cybertron's Elite guard, Smokescreen being second in command. With the war over, The Elite Guard has narrowed down to being a police force. A strong one I might add.

I was so deep in thought I almost didn't hear Ultra Magnus calling my name. "Aura! Come on down, I need to speak with you!" called Ultra Magnus. "I'll be right there." I shouted. Being the adventurous type I was, instead of taking the long way inside, I jumped over the fence of the balcony and fell down and front rolled to the floor below outside the palace. I watched as he let out a sigh, wishing that I would stop doing that stunt as I walked towards him and Blitzstorm. "Must you do that?" asked my Step-Father. "It's faster. Beats all those stairs." I answered. "You know we are building an elevator right?" reminded Blitzstorm. "Blitzstorm, I'd like to be alone with my daughter." recommend Ultra Magnus. "Of course sir." replied Blitzstorm as he entered the palace through the front doors.

The entire palace was engraved with a golden peach like coding, with red outlines that surrounded the top of the towers. "Walk with me Aura." said Ultra Magnus. The two of us proceeded down the front steps before he spoke. "Have you made your choice yet?" asked Ultra Magnus. "No, not yet." I answered with a disappointing sigh. "Aura, its been 6 months since Cybertron has been rebuilt. The citizens are starting to question you now. I'm not trying to rush you, but you need to make a choice." explained Ultra Magnus. "But its already been that long! If I can't choose one Mech to be my King then I might as well not become Queen." I stated. "That's like saying you don't want to be Cybertronian." said Ultra Magnus. We stopped at the gates that separated the palace from the city, and Ultra Magnus placed his good hand on my shoulder. "Aura, listen to me. One day I'm not going to be here, and that's when your time will come to take the throne." "I know, but what if I'm not ready?" I asked.

(This scene is based off the song 'We Are One' from The Lion King 2)

"Trust me Aura, you will. And I know you'll make the right decision." answered Ultra Magnus. The metallic gates opened and me and my father proceed into the city, looking around the some what busy city.

"As you go through life you'll see that there's so much that we don't understand." He explained. "And the only thing we know, is that things don't always go the way we planed."

As he spoke, we passed by a memorial statue of Optimus Prime. It was built to symbolize his sacrifice he made for our planet. Sometimes I'll see Cybertronians pass by here to pay their respects to the Autobot leader. Mostly my good friends from Team Prime.

"But you'll see everyday that we'll never turn away, when it seems all your dreams come undone." continued Ultra Magnus. "We will stand by your side, filled with hope and filled with Pride. We are more than we are, we are one."

We walked through the streets of Iacon witnessing different events happening. Restaurants and bars are busy, upgrade and paint job shops are filled with customers. I spotted Knockout working there a few times too. We passed by the school and waved at Arcee who was keeping an eye on the protoforms playing outside. A few of them spotted us and ran to the small fence that blocked the kids from the street to say hi. I waved at them, smiling down as I either patted them on the head or gave them a high five.

"If there's so much I must be, I can still just be me? The way I am?" I asked. "Can I trust in my own spark, or am I just one part of some big plan?"

We said our goodbyes at the school and continued walking down the street. We made it to the outskirts of the city, most of it was still under construction. We said hi to Bulkhead and a few of his construction crew members as we pasted by.

"Even those who are gone are with us as we go on. Your journey has only begun." said Ultra Magnus.

I looked up at the sunny sky and I saw Zeta and Optimus's faces up in the sky looking down on me and Ultra Magnus. A small smile came across my face.

"Tears of pain, tears of joy, one nothing can destroy, is our pride deep inside."

He slapped my back playfully and ran ahead of me. I laughed as I ran after him and the both of us transformed into our vehicle modes. We rode through the emptiness part of Cybertron, the warm heat of the sun beaming down on our metal plates. As we drove through the desert strange shadows flew over us. I looked up to see Predaking, Darksteel, and Skylinx flying over us. The three of them roared in a greeting as they spread out their wings and soared higher and faster into the air.

"We are one, you and I, we are like the metal and sky. One family under the sun. All the wisdom to lead all the courage that you need. You will find when you see we are one." said Ultra Magnus.

We pulled up to the well of Allsparks, transforming into our robot modes infront of one of the platforms. I felt a rush of sadness run though me. This was the last place we saw Optimus before he sacrificed himself. I frowned and let my head down little, taking my arm in my hand. My father looked down at me, with a smile on his face. He was shocked to see my upset state, but he didn't frown either. His smile weakened, to an assuring grin. He walked towards me and warped his around my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug. "When the time comes, you'll know what to do." He said. He kissed my forehead and pulled away from the hug.

"I need to go check on the boys at Elite Guard Station. I want you back in the palace by sundown alright?" stated Ultra Magnus. "Yes father." I replied. He nodded and transformed into his vehicle mode, heading back to the city. I turned my attention back to the Well of Allsparks letting out a vent. "I wish you could be here Prime." I thought.

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