Chapter 9 - Captured

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Aura's P.O.V.

"Scrap!" Smokescreen said again. "More problems for us to deal with!"

"Attack!" ordered Shockwave. "But don't harm the Princess."

The Velocitronians charged at us, firing the blasters. Smokescreen pushed me to the floor, safe from the blaster fire, and started shooting down the Velocitronians coming our way.

"Keep them distracted!" yelled Wheeljack. He brought out his katana blades and charged at the Velocitronians. Firestar followed behind with her own katana.

Arcee ran up to join Smokescreen, the two standing side by side as they fired at the incoming Velocitronians. I activated my own blaster, not wanting to be completely helpless.

I joined them in the fire fight, taking down the intruders while Wheeljack and Firestar fought them and Shockwave with close combat.

"Just like old times," Smoke said, taking down another Velocitronian. I laughed and dodged some blaster fire, and then returned the fire, taking down one incoming Velocitronian.

As we fought, Shockwave grabbed Firestar and tossed her away from him, crashing into Wheeljack, followed by Bulkhead. "Guys!" I yelled.

Shockwave walked forward, seeming to be almost unfazed by the blaster fire. Smokescreen stood in front of me and fired rapidly at the incoming Decepticon.

"Out of my way!" said Shockwave as he whacked Smokescreen through the wall. "Smokescreen!" I yelled. Shockwave towered over me, reaching out to grab me when I moved in and punched him hard in the face. He stumbled back a few steps. Small streaks of energon leaking down the side of his optics. "That was for Smokescreen." Then I charged forward, kicking him in the stomach. "That was for Wheeljack." Then my fists lit up on blue fire. "And this is for Firestar!" I fired a blast at him, going for the chest.

I just missed, the shot going wild. I narrowed my optics at the sight, ready to attack once more. The blue energon fire raced through the back of the safe house, blocking the wall from sight. I winced, trying to make out exactly what was going on. Me and the others watched in complete shock was Shockwave emerged from the fire, slightly damaged. "How did he survive?!" said Arcee.

"I have no fragging idea!" I yelled back, aiming my blasters once more.

"Your strike was impressive Princess." said Shockwave. "But however, also illogical." He charged his cannon, setting it to stun, and shot it at me. The blast struck me in the chest and I was flown back, head striking the wall, knocking me unconscious as I collapsed to the floor.

"Aura!" Smokescreen yelled, and ran forward. Shockwave turned and shot at him, causing him to drop down to avoid being hit. Bulkhead ran forward, hands transformed into wreaking balls, as he swung them at the Decepticon scientist. He quickly dodged them, while hoisting the Wreaker into the air and throwing him to the ground.

Arcee fired rapidly at Shockwave, drawing her arm blades as she grew near. With a yell, she jumped up and lunged at Shockwave, but he grabbed her leg and threw her against the wall. She collapsed, rubbing the back of her helm, feeling extremely dizzy.

"Your loyalty is promising. But emotion is a weakness. You would be wise to remember that." said Shockwave. Smokescreen quickly got up and came to my side. There was energon stains all over my body.

"Aura... I'm so sorry," he said. He stood protectively in front of me and fired quickly at Shockwave, who was moving toward us.

"Leave and save your own lives. My fight is not with you." said Shockwave. Smokescreen growled. "And leave Aura to your clutches? Never."

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