12: More Important Things To Worry About

Start from the beginning

They pulled up to Isaac in less than a minute, who appeared to be cornered by both Cora and Boyd. Each of them looked just about as feral as they'd last seen them. Luna was sure that, if they could, they'd be frothing at the mouths in sheer anger. The headlights of the car managed to blind both crazed werewolves, and it forced them to run toward the school entrance and away from Isaac.

The brakes slammed to a stop, and once again Argent and Luna came flying out of the car to join Scott and Isaac who were already there waiting. It was then that they realized that their plan didn't seem to work.

"They're not going to the school." Luna breathed out, watching with worried eyes as the two wolves ran at what seemed like full speed toward the doors before suddenly leaping up.

"They're going over it." Scott finished for her.

Derek came running out from the entrance, craning his head up to look at where they went.

"The rear doors, someone has to get them open," Argent called out quickly. He was right after all, about how there were still smart humans inside of the wolves. They seemed to know on a certain level that they were being hunted down, and they had enough survival instincts to outmaneuver them.

"Someone has to drive them inside."

"I'll go," Argent told them.

"No. I'm faster." Isaac announced immediately, cutting them all off and running away before anyone could protest.

Derek glanced over at Luna and Scott. There was no time to come up with a good plan anymore, it was either they succeeded in trapping the two wolves or they dealt with the repercussions of a rampage in town. They had to trust that Isaac would fulfill his part, there was no room for any other option. "We'll lead them to the boiler room." He said finally, nodding to them to follow him inside the school.

All four of them ran inside and Argent lagged behind to shut the entrance they'd come through by jamming the handlebars to at least buy all of them some time if their plan didn't end up working.

Luna followed Derek closely, while Scott veered toward a different hallway that would hopefully cut the wolves off if they tried to go down a different route. But it became evident early on that the pair were going in the right direction because as soon as they turned the corner, they were met with Cora and Boyd staggering right in through the rear door of the school while it slammed shut behind them, effectively trapping them inside.

They seemed disoriented, pawing at there eyes and squinting. But before they could gather their bearings, Derek too the opportunity they had to grab at Cora and slam her into the nearby locker, creating a huge dent in the metal as he did so. But like brother like sister, she shoved back just as hard. It was enough for Derek to stagger and for her to shift her attention toward Luna. Immediately, Luna's hand flew out as the girl ran and her fingertips pressed against Cora's neck. Five touchpoints connected them, and a surge of controlled power sent her flying away against the tile floor. But just as fast as Cora had surged away, Luna stumbled on her feet. Small black spots flooded her vision and she was too disoriented to notice when Boyd made a move to stalk towards her.

He swung out a large hand and his razor-sharp claws sliced through the air with a woosh. But before they could hit its mark across her throat, Scott flew down the staircase and took Luna with him, wrapping his arms around her and spinning them away. Just as swiftly, Argent moved in from the other side, brandishing a stun baton. Bolts of electricity rippled up the side with a threatening crackle, and Boyd was forced to step away. He growled low in his throat as three men formed a wall blocking all of their exits.

With his teeth bared, Derek sneered, "Come and get us." It was taunting enough for then to follow as he reached for the boiler room door and threw it open. It made a loud bang as it slammed back into the wall, immediately capturing Cora and Boyd's attention. Scott moved fast to follow Derek down and, off to the side, Luna shook her head to rid the black spots and made a move to do the same.

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