One: In Trouble, Again.

Start from the beginning

 “I can’t. Detention. And he loves me anyway, I could pull it off. I’m his best player.” I tried to calm him down.

 “For what again? You’re such a prick. I’ll beat you someday, you’ll see. Nyahaha.”

 “For texting and eating during class. Oh yeah? We’ll see about that.”

I miss this guy. It’s been a while since I’ve been with them, Dave, Ralph and Jeff.

“Mr. Crawford and Mr. Bailey, would you like to tell me what I’ve been talking about here?” Bulldog said.

 ´Yeah, sir. You’ve been talking about the novel, The City of Thieves. And how the Germans used a trick to divide their slaves by killing them.” Said Dave. Gosh. Good thing I read that book. I used to think the description was foolish, but it was awesome. I don't really use the word "gosh" but I use it in my mind.. I think it's cute. Hahaha.

 “And could you tell us what that trick is, Crawford?” Bulldog asked.

 “Germans asked the people to read Jew newspapers, or anything that’s against Germans. The people who could read were killed first by shooting their heads off.”

 “Thank your ass you could think. Now shut up” Said Bulldog. Hah. So you think we don’t know aye? Boo you.

I was so tired, I didn’t even notice I was slowly falling asleep. I woke up and jumped out of my seat, falling to the floor.


It was Bulldog. Face in front of me, wide eyes, eyebrows crooked, nose crooked, lips shrunk, and what makes it worse is that he looks like someone wearing lipstick. That scared the crap out of me. I thought someone like Saw was gonna kill me. Lights were off. Everyone already left the class. And now I’m in trouble again.

“Good Morning, Crawford. Now go to the Principal’s office.”

Not again. It was the last period and I’m supposed to go to the detention room but now I’m on my way to Mr. Harris’ office, again.

 I’m feeling kinda guilty now, as I see those words: PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE. I just told him I will try my best and now, I haven’t even finished my day yet, I’m going to show up again and tell him I messed up.

 The secretary looked at me wearily, as if she knows why I’m here, and how I felt. Then when someone smiling went out of Mr. Harris’ office, I figured I’m going to do the exact opposite.

 II went in, and sat in front of him. We were in silence for a few seconds, as he was doing stuff on his laptop, and dramatically turned around to face me. Like those in thriller movies, dun dududunnn, then turns around, then lights. Too bad we don't have background music nor light effects here. But I could see that he was pretty disappointed. Duh.

“Well?” He asked me.

 “Mr. Young sent me here.. For sleeping during his class.”

 “What did I tell you? You haven’t even finished the day. I told you about suspension, right? You will be suspended for 3 consecutive days, March 14, 15 and 16.” It took me seconds to buffer what he was saying. Then it hit me.

 “Sir! You can’t suspend me on those days! Those days we’ll be training hard, and on the 16th is our finals! Can’t afford to be gone, could we please move the dates, please? After finals, I’ll even accept Saturday and Sunday. Just please, not on the finals.”

 “No. We can’t take it back. There’s already someone suspended on Saturday, Sunday up to Friday after finals. Only one per day.”

 “But sir! Can’t we compromise?”

 “No. It is not my fault, Nathan. You did this. I’m sorry.”


 “No. Leave now. You still have detention.”

Ugh. Fml. Could this day get any worse?

 As I entered the detention room, I saw those huge stinky bullies, who looks like they’re here every day. And there’s no more seat left, so I have no choice than to sit beside Jason, the weird kid. He's really tall, taller than me, thin, wears huge Rayban glasses, that glasses are worth gold. He's got a brown shirt that says, "BLACK OPS IZ FUN!!" I wonder why he’s here, being a geek and all.. Well I'm not really discriminating, it's just.. Yeah, I figured you'd understand.

 Jerry the smelliest, biggest bully in the room threw a paper at me. I was about to hit back until the teacher shouted “AGH!”,  held her huge red heels, Carol calls it pumps.. I'm not even sure about the spelling, and threatened to throw it on each of us.

 So I just talked to Jason. At first, he refused to respond. But after poking and poking his shoulder, he finally faced me.

“What do you want?”

 “A conversation.”

That might’ve been the stupidest reply I could think of after all my efforts, but he talked to me anyway. He told me why he was here, (because the blame was put on him. For pete’s sake, I knew he wouldn’t disobey even the tiniest school rule)

 He told me that he has a project on making robots, and he’s already starting on it. Told me about cars, machines and stuff. He’s actually cool, if only society was gentler.

 I chose to walk home, since it’s only a few meters away. And I walk alone ‘cause Carol was with her friends, and our training was over.

 I hate going home. Mostly because my parents are never home, but if they are, they fight. And I pity River. My little 6 year old brother. Kinda chubby, and really handsome little kid. Round face, red cheeks, big blue eyes, small red lips, blonde curly hair. That looks, got it from his brother. Nyahaha.

 It’s already 6pm, but just the right darkness, since it’s already March. There are lotsa stars up, and they're really beautiful. Mom told me to wish on the first bright star I see, so I usually look up when I walk home. Mom says they're little angels guiding us through our way, and the brightest one is the leader, but she will be gone soon. When stars get bright, she says they're going to fade away, and go back to help God. I'm already 16, and I still believe in that. Hehe.

But WHAT THE HELL? River is on the other side of the street, still on his uniform, who's dismissal was 2pm, walking. AWAY. FROM. HOME. What have they done to River now?



Hope you liked it! Please wait for the next chap, okay? I'll upload in a while. (: Rate, vote, comment!! >:D<

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