Robert's Memory Pt. 1

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This is a two part memory Robert is having. Enjoy!
Robert P.O.V.
Macy and I had been friends for five months when we learned a carnival would be coming nearby the orphanage. After a family discussion with Miss Peregrine and all of us orphans, Miss Peregrine decided to let us go to the fair. We discussed the plans incase something went wrong and she had to help us. The toddlers would have to stay with Miss Peregrine and the slightly older kids like Macy and I would have to stay with the big kids.

  "Are you excited, Macy?" I said poking Macy's  cheek. The carnival was today and the whole orphanage was going. She frowned and looked down at the ground.
   "I don't know. I'm excited to play the games and ride the carnival attractions with you but.." She said drifting off. I rubbed her shoulder with my palm.
   "Macy, what's wrong?" I asked frowning. She mumbled something inaudible.
   "What?" I asked raising my eyebrow. She huffed and began again.
   "I'm scared of clowns." Macy said embarrassed. I pulled her closer to me and she rested her head on my shoulder.
   "Macy you'll be fine! Clowns aren't scary! They're just weird?" I said before jokingly pinning her down on the bed.
   "I mean their noses! Why do they feel like the need to wear big scary red noses?" I said before squeezing her nose lightly. She chuckled at what I said.
   "And their hair! It's all poofy and rainbow!" Macy said lifting her arms up and fluffing my hair.
   "Hey! Stop clowning around!" I said and we both started laughing till we couldn't breathe.
I looked down at her and stared in her eyes.
   "Um..but if a clown tries to hurt you in anyway. I'm here for you. I read a bunch of fighting comic books!" I said and smiled at her. She chuckled lightly and stared in to my eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful caramel brown. I couldn't stop staring into her beautiful orbs. I felt the need to do something but I didn't know what.
   "What are you looking at, dummy?" Macy jokingly said. I blinked my eyes and realized I had been sitting there staring at her, saying nothing.
   "Um..uh.." I stuttered nervously. I lifted myself to get off of her but I found my hand on hers suddenly. I looked at Macy in panic. She noticed my behavior and sat herself up, pushing me in front of her.
   "Robert? Are you okay? You're all red!" Macy said as she placed her hand on my cheek. Her fingertips felt cold against my skin.
   "You're all hot and flustered! Are you sick? We can stay at the orphanage." Macy asked me worriedly. Why was I acting like this?
   "No! I'm okay! I just need some of Miss Peregrine's great breakfast!" I cheered. Macy raised her eyebrows.
   "You mean the frozen Eggos she cooks in the microwave for you?" Macy asked. I smiled awkwardly at her before going up to leave through the door.
   "Yep! Come on! Let's go eat! We have a big day ahead of us." I called. Macy chuckled and nodded. She walked up to me and tried to hold my hands in hers. I resisted at first but then laced my hand around hers. What was this feeling that made me feel like butterflies filled me?
   "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Macy chanted and we ran down the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. The other kids raised their eyebrows at us. Miss Peregrine smiled at us and looked down at Macy and I's hands locked together. She chuckled and went back to getting breakfast for everyone. Why was everyone acting so strange? Holding hands with Macy felt actually nice. I felt a strange comfort and clarity with her hand connected to my own. I lost contact with Macy soon because she went to go get glasses of milk for us two.
   "Are you two a thing?" A kid next to me named Felix said. Why of course Macy and I were a thing! We're best friends, what a great thing!
"Yeah! Of course we're a thing!" I said smiling at him. He laughed and slapped the table. He told his friends Nev and Max. They started laughing too.
"Robert got a girlfriend! Robert got a girlfriend!" They chanted close to me. I was overwhelmed by confusion and sadness of why they were making fun of me. Macy wasn't my girlfriend. She was my friend that was a girl! Right? Just as Miss Peregrine placed down my Eggos, I ran outside the kitchen and sat on the Lobby couch upset by what happened. Macy came running after me.
"Why were they making fun of us? We're just friends." I said sadly with tears running down my face. Macy wiped my tears away with her thumb.
"Don't listen to them. Please don't cry. Don't let yourself be a rain cloud." Macy smiled at me. She walked off but before she could enter the kitchen I ran behind her. I turned her around to face me and we embraced. She rested her head on my shoulder and I placed my chin on her head. What would I do without my Macy?

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