It Would've Been Better if You Were Never Found at All

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~A Month Later~
Robert P.O.V.
Today was the day. I would be hopping on an airplane from here to the United Kingdom. I wondered what living with Uncle Eddie would be like. Would he be mean? Would he be nice? All I know about him is that he's from my dad's side of the family and he lost contact with my family after my mom and dad went missing. He missed his brother so much he cut himself off from the world.
   "Robert, dear?" My mom suddenly knocked on the door.
   "What?" I huffed and began sitting up in my bed. My mom walked over to sit on my bed.
   "Listen..I well..." She started as she rubbed her thighs, thinking of what to say.
   "You what? You're leaving me again? With a man I don't know? You know what? Maybe it would be better if you were never found at all!" I spat. My mom instantly clasped her hand on her mouth and tried to hold back tears.
   "You'll be okay with Uncle Eddie. He's a good man." My mom whispered.
   "Well I don't exactly trust your opinion." I said as I got off the bed.
    "Robert I'm..I'm so.." My mom stuttered as she reached her hand out.
   "Sorry? Sorry for what? Making me move to another country, away from the home I was used to just so you could leave me again?" I said when I turned back to face her.
   "Robert.." My mom said looking down at the floor.
   "Leave me alone." I finally said. My mother sighed and got up to leave.
   "I love you." She whispered, closing the door to my room.
   "You don't know what love is." I whispered, so low, that nobody could hear me. I collapsed on the floor and began yanking cloths out of my closet and drawers to pack.
Suddenly, wet spots showed up on my clothing and I began getting annoyed, not knowing where the source was coming from. As soon as I wiped my eye though, I realized I was crying. My tears were filled of the invisible feeling of disappointment of my parents, worries of my new home, and an unknown future.

Author's Note
I'm changing Robert and Macy's age to 11 because they say some deep stuff and people always mention it. 😂 So Macy's birthday party will be for her turning 11. Sorry for the confusion. I'm going to do major edits to this story when I'm done one day because it's so messy. 😞

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