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I held her hand back and wipe her tears away, i know she feels bad towards me and she don't know what to do. It's hurt it's seriously hurt to know and found out about the truth that she actually like yoongi it's more harder for me. "I've got to go now" i said still holding the sadness inside me well enough not to drop any tears but once i turn around without looking back i hope she will call my name again, i still hope it but she didn't I suddenly smirk of course she won't the guy inside her heart and mind it's not me.

I exist the room with the lonely steps and my heart break into the pieces. Once i open the door hyunwoo is there leaning on the wall where i used to lean on before "hyunwoo-ya..." i smile to him but maybe he knows i got a heartbroken, he come closer to me and hug me tightly without saying anything he just pats my back and on that time the manly jungkook that used to say "don't cry" to hyunwoo is crying on hyunwoo's shoulder. If people always said no girls no tears but i guess every man can cry because of girls too.

"so you will go now?" Hyunwo sadly ask when both of us finally outside the hospital "i have to..." i said feels sad about it too "keep contact, you have my number right?" He added, and smile "sure, see you again" i got into the taxi and wave to him with a smile. He smile and wave back and the car moves and hyunwoo already far away from my sight.

"where do you want to go sir?" The driver asked, but im not sure where to go who to choose. If i go to the hospital jungkook might just teasing me about jihae and he might already at the airport but....what if jungkook seriously at the hospital and he seriously like jihae and what if he seriously will confess tonight? "Excuse me?" The driver makes me realize the reality "bring me to the airport" I finally choose it, i hope I didn't regret it later but this is all about a brotherhood.

I love jungkook so much as my brother, he came from far away for me i should send him properly. But did he seriously like jihae? That's still playing around inside my mind but from what he said he won't lose her that easily to me he seriously sounds so sincere and serious about it. I look outside the window and stare at the stars.

Once i arrived at the airport, with rushing i get out from the taxi and run into the airport I suddenly lost myself for some minutes to actually figure it out where should I search for him. I pick my phone out and try to call him, but he didn't answer me. It's already late night even there's no much people left but it's hard to find him in this big airport. Did he already go?

I arrived at the airport right on the time, remember when the first day i arrived at here few days ago it's the day when i picked up hyunwoo's lost phone. I suddenly smile when i think about the moment when i answered jihae's call and it's my first time listen to her voice shouting I remember i almost lost my hearing on that time "oh i need to get into the flight now" i mumbles by myself while looking at the watch on my left hand.

I put my phone into the basket and get through the scan with the securities check me out, when i get my phone back yoongi hyung is calling me for the 10th times already "oh?" I look around before i answer it "he's here?" Just in case maybe he's really here. I answers it and he shout at me while catch his breath he sounds like he's having a marathon but is he seriously here? I thought he will go to the hospital instead.

I look around again and he's there, he's really here for me to send me go. I somehow got touched.

I try to call him again, "please jungkook pick up the phone" I mumbles by myself while keep trying to call him over and over again and lastly he finally pick it up "ya!" I shout worriedly "hyung..." he answers while i try to catch my breath back "where are you?" I ask while looking around "im at the hospital" he said, i freezes up and gasp somehow i feels betrayed "im jooking haha i can see you" i raise my eyebrows and look around again and there he is waving at me, i go closer to him and wave back since i can't go pass the border anymore.

"Hyung i got dumped..." he smile to me I don't know what to answer him and barely understand what he mean by it "i need to go now hyung" his face doesn't look okay at all but he still smiling to me, i smile back and nods "dont lie with your own feeling anymore min yoongi" he added and ended the call. I keep waving at him and he wave back i read his lips and he said "see you again" i nods and smile to him. And he's now gone from my sight.

It's already 3a.m I decided to go home because i just feels too tired physically and mentally. Once i arrived, i throw myself on the sofa without thinking about anything in my mind. And lastly i fall asleep.

"Bzzz bz bzz bzz" the buzzing from my cellphone wake me up, i stand up and stretch my arms i open the curtain and i open the window. I inhale and exhale the morning fresh air after a nice sleep but when i look at the luxury building in front of me suddenly makes me remember about something. "Jihae....." I smiles by myself "don't lie with your own feeling anymore min yoongi" i mumbles and immediately get my jacket to go out.

"Jihae wait for me" I mumbles while running out from the apartment and get into the taxi that immediately stop in front of me "......hospital please" i said to the driver once i got into the car. To be honest I still not sure about this feeling but i think it's right, i think i like her i have to meet her now i have to make sure about it myself.

"Thank you!" I thank the taxi driver and pay him quickly, i get out with nervous yet so excited maybe because i get to see her again. Im not sure if i can see her since hyunwoo maybe still didn't allow me from meet his noona but i will find a way in no matter what.

I walks fastly to the room where i ever enter yesterday, there's no one around the corridor hyunwoo must be not around. I open the door slowly while looking at the floor and take a deep breath before looking up "jihae...it's me" I say that out happily but when my sight reach up to the bed where jihae was laying down yesterday, she's not there anymore "huh?" I gasp while looking around the empty room, i look outside im so sure it's this room i look inside again "im so sure it's the right room" i close the door in blank

I automatically lean on the wall out of shock and blankly staring at the the door "sigh~" i only can sigh but one of the nurse suddenly passing by "excuse me..." and she stop from walking in front of me with a smile "do you know where is the patient in this room?" I ask and nervously waiting for the nurse to answer "oh jihae-sii already discharged not a long ago" i raise my eyebrows when I heard that

I immediately run away from the hospital, she must be at home now why did i came here I should just check her at home first. Out of regret i get the taxi again, nothing goes well for me.

Once i arrived, i pay the the taxi fee and when i almost open the door i looks at the car that passing by "jihae..." its jihae on the car. With rushing i open the door "LEE JIHAE!" I shout out loud and i run to catch the car up "JIHAE! LEE JIHAE STOP THE CAR" i manage to almost catch the car up but suddenly my legs feels weaker I can't run faster anymore I don't want to give up but my legs didn't work like how my mind want too "I LIKE YOU!" I shout it even though i know she won't hear it and lastly my legs stop from running.

On that day, i know that i will never meet her again.


This chapter is quite long! But i hope you read it well!🙈

So, yoongi didnt manage to confess his feeling?😭 it is the end for him?

You should keep on reading to know what happen next!👻

Thank you to all my beautiful readers🌸

min yoongi, jeon jungkook | 운명 fateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant