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I apologized but am i doing it in a wrong way? Why did she feels so mad? I just apologized and it is a bad thing? "Tsk" while staring at three jajangmyeon, i lost my appetite and Rapmon probably already left "she should at least eat it" I mumbles while looking at her jajangmyeon that she don't even touch. It's such a waste so i ended up wrap it and bring it to the studio.

"how was your date?!" Rapmon excitedly ask, i just stay silence and give him the food "oh? you don't eat yours?" He takes it "you can have it all" i said and sit on my sit beside him "i guess it doesn't went well" he puts the food on the table and face me, "sigh~" I ended up sighing "you like her right?" Rapmon directly ask me makes me chuckle, i like her? Me? Like seriously? I don't think so "no...it's a no way" it's a no way i like her, i just feels bad about before that's why I treat her nice "stop lying man, i already saw everything" he smirks, i face him back and raise my eyebrows I didn't get it what he means by it "don't you realize? You were so moody this morning but when you met her you smile like an idiot" he smirks again, what he said makes me look away i can't even make an eye contact with him anymore. "And you keep on staring at her like I wasn't there! It was uncomfortable for me so i left" so, that's why he left. But am I really like that? I don't know why i was like that either. "don't lie with your own feelings man~" Rapmon pats my shoulder and stand up he takes the food with him, probably going to eat it.

What Rapmon told me seriously makes me thinks a lot about it. Why did i acted like that? Isn't it the normal me?isnt i always like that? "I....? Like her?" I ask myself.

I went home after noona called me but when I arrived home she's not there and she don't even answer my calls. "She probably going somewhere without me again" I mumbles while keep on trying to call her over and over again "she don't even answers my calls" this time i try to call jungkook just in case he knows. He answered immediately.

"hello? Its me hyunwoo" mention my name just in case he forget me even though we just met.
"i know it's you, What's wrong do you already miss me?" He said jokingly, i just rolls my eyes
"don't be stupid! Anyway do you see my noona?" I kinda sounds so rush though
"I didn't see her but what's wrong?" Now he sounds serious
"she's not home...." I just worried
"just leave her alone she probably going somewhere to have fun without the clingy you" he even laughs, how can he laugh? I am worried right now
"you laugh?! im not joking around right now! she don't know seoul that well!" i scream to the phone
"Oh god my ears! this siblings seriously have a shouting power" he mumbles jokingly
"Stop joking around! Im serious right now!" I scream once again
"Okay okay! Im sorry do you want to search for her? let's go together" he finally sounds serious too
"Okay let's meet at the park" i said after thinking for less than a minute
"Alright~" and we ended the call.

Jihae still haven't answer my calls, what's up with her? She's making me worry! she should at least answer even though she don't want me to go, i just want to know how she's doing. I takes my jacket and rushly get out from the house to meet Jungkook at the park but suddenly i saw Jihae noona walking so slowly like she has no energy left at the hallway to home, I immediately goes closer to her "hyunwoo ya...." She mumbles after she saw me, what wrong with her? She looks so weak and her face looks so pale but she still walking and she about to fall down.

I gasp and immediately hold her before she fall onto the ground and i kneel down "noona?! are you okay?" I keep on shaking her body but she looks like, she faints. I just don't know what to do, should i bring her to hospital? But i need a help right now "anyone here?! Help! Someone please help me!" No one answers and i feels like crying i look around there's no one even the security not around, what a fucking luxury condominium with no security around "shit!" And i found a cctv i waves at it but somehow i feels like no one watching, I look at Jihae again she seriously unconscious right now "noona please open your eyes please" i whisper beside her ear while hugging her tightly, I don't know what to do I can't handle this kind of situation alone "HELPPPPPP!" I shout out loud for once again and now im crying

"Hyunwoo!" Someone screams my name, i look at where it comes "jungkook...." He's running with two guys behind him, the guards must be catching him for entering the condo without permission. He rushly run to us and kneels down to see Jihae, but the guards keep pulling him "Let him go! He's my friend!" And they finally stop "can't you see someone fainted right now?! Stupid! Call the ambulance!" One of them immediately call the ambulance "how can there's no security around? Im going to sue this company!" I screams to them.

I walking leisurely to the park again after Hyunwoo called me, i seriously haven't reach the home yet after we met and he seriously worried about everything about his sister.

I was sitting on one of the seesaw and face that luxury condominium where they live "urm i wonder how rich they are~" i mumbles myself, but then suddenly i saw Jihae walking in front of me "oh?! Jihae! Jihae shi!" I shout but didn't she hear it? She didn't answer me. I stand up and immediately try to catch her up, anyway she looks so weird like...drunk? She's drunk? That's no way she's still underage. I try to walk faster I somehow feels worry because she might fall down anytime.

But i was too late, she get into the condominium and i still follow her up from behind but the bodyguards prevent me again, gosh! the same bodyguards as before "it's you again?!" One of them said "let me in!" And i try to get in but they hold me immediately "you can't!" I still try but it's not easy "jihae! Jihae shi!!" Why can't she hear me! What's wrong with her?!

I need to do something to enter the building in whatever way "okay okay i will go! Get me off!" I said to them and they finally let me go after i try to coax them. "Look! It's the robbers!" I shout while pointing at somewhere else and they believe me. I run as fast as i can and get into the elevator, they are coming after me and i immediately press the floor i just pressed all floors since i dont know which floor their house actually at gladly the door close before the bodyguards arrived. "where will it be" Mumbling myself and thinking which floor should their house be and when i thinks about that moment when yoongi hyung secretly stares at someone in this building before "no way it's actually jihae?" I get out once it reach the 10th floor the same floor of yoongi's house "please be right please please..."

I walk outside slowly then "tinggg" the sound comes from another elevator which is 'staff elevator' i gasp its those bodyguards again they stare at me with smirks "damn it" i mumbles, without thinking much i run as fast as i can "dont run!!" They shout while catching me up. This condominium have enough space to run somehow i feels so impressed with it but then i heard someone's shouting "isnt that hyunwoo?"


If you curious about what will happen next you should keep on read right?

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min yoongi, jeon jungkook | 운명 fateWhere stories live. Discover now