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Im home but once i open the door it's dark where did he go? Isnt he sick? I wondering around the house and try to find jungkook at the bedroom but he's not there either. He makes me worried he don't even know the road well and it's already late right now, I immediately reach my phone and try to call him

beep beep beep the number that you call....

He don't answer, it's my fifth times seems like he close his phone "sigh~" i go out again and decide to find him around the neighborhood because I don't think he can go somewhere far away "jungkook-ah where are you..." i mumbles while still trying to reach him with calls

"Oh there you are" i smiles out of relieved because i finally spotted him, he's walking to me alone with both of his hand inside his jacket's pocket while his eyes staring at the road dont even notice i walks on his opposite direction "ya! where did you go?" I put my arm around his neck but weirdly he still reminds silent, i stop walking and he too "ya, what happen?" I asked him again and try to make an eye contact but he just look away somehow try to hide something from me

But then, i see something on his face "did you get into a fight?!" His face swollen surely from a punch, i cups his face to see it properly but he push my hand away with a very pissed face "tell me who did this?!" I raise my voice but that didn't make him answer me "jeon jungkook! don't you hear me?"

Seriously what's wrong with him? what's happening, why did he being like this out of nowhere. He ignores me and try to walk away but i got his arm "... 왜그래? (what's wrong with you)" he swings his arm and when my hand finally get off from his he grabs my collar and push me very hardly to the tree beside us, it's seriously so hurt i gasp for what he just did.

He stares right into my eyes sharply while his lips keep on shaking so much, i blinks twice suddenly blank from what just happened he never being like this towards me "wow you are so strong" i try to laugh a little because it's too serious and awkward at the same time for me

"You laugh?" he finally say something "i....I seriously try to let this away but seriously I can't" he bites his lips and look at me really angrily that it was so scary to look into his eyes "Dont you know? you and your stupid attitude your stupid behavior your ego makes someone hurt a lot makes someone depress and stress until....until" he's shaking makes him stutters "what are you talking about I don't understand?" I directly ask innocently seriously don't know anything "Lee jihae!" I raise my eyebrows after i heard that name, he stare right into my eyes more deeper "The girl that you ever cursed at the girl that you ever badmouth at is now laying in the hospital because of YOU!"

He tightened the collar around my neck angrily, i look into his eyes seriously silently dont even know what to say don't even know what to feel and he finally he let me go i catch my breathe and he just walk away. My legs feels weaker dont even know why lastly i just fall down on the ground with full of emotions inside.

"I don't want to see your face anymore! Dont you ever dare to appear in front of me again!" Hyunwoo push me away and he enter the ward again and never look back. The punch that I received on my right cheek doesn't feels that hurt as i feels inside my chest, my heart hurt so much for everything that happened today. I try to look at Jihae through the window secretly for one last time, she seriously doesn't seems fine at all but then hyunwoo close the window with the curtain, he surely hate me so much now.

I sit on one of the bench outside the hospital, it's already dark and i forgot that I actually dont know the road well and I don't even remember the address to go home "im doomed" i mumbles while blankly stare at the sky. "Oh?! Jungkook-ah what are you doing here?" Im not sure am i lucky or not to meet rapmon hyung here, i stand up and greet him "oh hyung, what are you doing here?" I change the topic because I don't know what to answer him "oh me? I come here to get my medicine my stomach doesn't feels well because i ate three jajangmyeon today" and he smile, im not sure if he talking the truth or just joking around but i just smile too. "Let me take you home i know you don't know the road well" and he smirk, without saying anything i just follow him or i will lose the chance to go home now

Inside the car, i just stay silent and what hyunwoo said to me just now still playing inside my mind. If jihae really being like that because of yoongi I seriously can't accept the truth but it's also make sense since hyunwoo said she changed so much after she met us. And that will be my fault too, just if i never ever pick the phone at the airport i wont know them and she will never meet us.

"you know today i went out for a lunch with yoongi" rapmon suddenly talks, maybe to cut the silentness between us "but then we met a girl what her name again..I can't recall" i raise my eyebrows, no way... "jihae? Lee jihae" i immediately said but no way "ah yes jihae sii we ate lunch together today no i mean we sat at the same table but because i feels uncomfortable i went to the studio first without eating anything" he suddenly smiles, and i just listen to it carefully not sure what to react to this "i left those two alone because I thought they need some space haha don't you know? Yoongi seems to like her a lot" he smirks and look at me i just smile without saying anything

So, they met again today that's mean they must be talking about something again today. Im not sure what with this feels but for sure that's happened before jihae faint and, no way.... yoongi hyung did he.... "I thought when i left them together something good will happen but then yoongi came back to the studio with three jajangmyeon and sad face lol" he added. No way.. no way Jihae really faint because of yoongi what did he did again didn't he get enough? I thought he already feels bad but what is this "that's why i got a stomachache because i've to finished all jajangmyeon alone" i just did a fakely small laugh to rapmon and when we arrived i thank him for a ride.

For some days i keep thinking about this, why i care so much about jihae that has nothing to do with my life and why i feels kinda..im not sure maybe sad when i saw yoongi want to be close with jihae "that's not important now" i sigh, what's more important now is if really yoongi like jihae why did he did that again? Im so sure he hurt her again with his stupid attitude. And now im not sure why i feels this mad.

Hello fate reader? Are you still reading?

Seems like yoongi and jungkook had a fight in this chapter :( oh my god *sobs* what will happen between them? I hope you will still reading it in the next chapter!

thank you to all my beautiful readers

min yoongi, jeon jungkook | 운명 fateWhere stories live. Discover now