Walk The Line

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"Alexia!" Connor yells out making me yelp. My head twists to the side with so much effort. The silver eyed man stares at me, expecting to follow.

A tear drops from my eye onto the dark tiles. Then his expression changes. "What was that thing..over there?" I whimper out my palm jumping over my mouth as I tried to keep my shattering teeth together.

Connor studies my figure before nearing me. His warm hand takes of the foreign mask on my face and he notices the silent tears that rolled down my face.

"A werewolf." He watches my reaction. I open my mouth to say something but no words leave me.

"I ...don't know what..to say." I whimper out. My heart stumbles in my chest as I watch Connor take a step back.

"This place is filled with werewolves." Connor informs me and stare at him.
Then it hits me.

"I need to..save my friends! Oh my god!" I raise my voice and move for the door. Connor roughly pushes me back into the wall.

"Everyone here is a werewolf but you." He stares into my blue eyes and I gulp down. No. That couldn't be possible.

"Who gave you a Werewolf potion?" Connor demands and it takes me a second to realise what he is on about. The little weirdly smelling chemical that Caleb sprayed me with.

"Caleb but.." Then everything crumbles down. It makes sense, Caleb and Alec were werewolves.

Connor lifts my chin up, his silver eyes are looking deeply into mine.
"Are you a werewolf too?" My lower lip trembles.

Connor steps closer to me and I quickly cover my head with my hands protectively.
He uncoils my hands from my face but my eyes remain closed.

"Your heart is beating quickly." His finger trails an area down my neckline and I try to not be affected by his touch.

"That's because you are scaring me." I utter out, flinching my eyes tighter shut.
I hear a sigh escape him before his palm strokes my cheek.

"Here drinks this." I open my eyes to see a miniature bottle filled with very deep magenta  liquid.

"What is that?" I ask taking it into my palm. Connor debates whether to answer, "Drink it." He orders me looking deeply into my eyes. I feel my body is no longer in control, so I do as he says.

"You won't remember anything tomorrow." He says and turns to leave.

"Connor." I say his name and meet his eyes. The silver eyes stare into mine for the longest eternity.

"Will I forget everything, even...you?" My mind has a mouth of its own apparently. Because Alexia would not just say that so casually.

Connor begins to lean in, my eyes flutter closed but I don't feel a thing.

My eyes fluster open to see him gone.

I need to some booze.

I enter the halls, feeling strangely weirder out now that these 'people' danced so naturally. Almost humanly.

Entering the drink section I mix myself drinks of all kinds. Taking a sip I hiss at how strong this cocktail is.
Then in one swift motion I take a swing of it.

Ten minutes later

My vision is funny. It is hilarious. It feels like everything is spinning on a carousel.

Giggling I dance in the middle of the ballroom. My glitter mask and wig where back on me and I was having fun.

I notice Alec still with that girl talking quietly between themselves.
They clearly enjoyed each other's company. So I planned on ruining it.

Slurping to the couple I place out a smile. "Hiya!" I bow at the two while the girl smiles and does the same back at me.

"Princess Violet Williams." I introduce myself to her. Alec smiles softly at me and I watch him through my mask.

"Gabriella Fernandez." The girl's voice rings out in monotone. So that was her flipping name.

"How do you like America, Miss Williams?" Alec asks and I smirk out. All of the alcohol was making me light-headed.

"Britain izzz b-better. No one is screwing around wizzzz wron' mates." My voice slurps out, alright so I was no longer in control of my words.

Gabriella gasps out and then something lights up in my head. Right when I met Alec, one of the paparazzis asked if Alec was over Gabriella....
So this Gabriella. It must be her.

"Have you drunk too much?!" Gabriella stares at me with revulsion.
Giving out a chuckle I stare at Alec.

"Alec I was just looking for you!" I recognize Caleb's voice. He doesn't pay attention to me which makes me frown.

"He didn't show up so you can go back to Alexia." Alec instructs to Caleb who quickly nods his head.

"Why?" I question him and Alec raises his eyebrow looking bewildered.
I wobble on my giant heels and almost fall but strong arms catch me.

I look up to see Caleb stare at me.
My mood drops because at that moment I wish it was Alec that caught me. Not his best friend.

No I wish it was Connor.

Wait. Not even going down that road.

"Let's leave Alec." Gabriella purrs out and I want to spit her in the face.

"Excuse me?" She looks at me, I almost laugh out. My eyes widening when I realized I just said it out loud.

"Pardon?" My accent never betrays me although I'm quite wasted.

"What did you just say to me?!" Gabriella grows impatient and I suppress a grin. I loved making people angry.

"I will take you to your taxi, Miss." Caleb glares at me and I nod, headache takes over my skull.

I do a little lady bow before leaving with Alec's eyes watching me. Gabriella looked at me in such way it made me think that she probably would remember me for quite a long time.

Exiting the building, Caleb begins to curse at me for being so irrational, stupid and what was the other word? Oh yes, irresponsible.

I rolled my eyes even though I wasn't listening to any word he said. We drove off back to the penthouse were I kicked off my heels.

Climbing down the stairs was a struggle. Making my way to my room, I threw up my earlier eaten cakes and cookies.

I looked outside the window before closing it to limit any more cold air that was entering freely as it wished.

I messily changed into my night clothes and dumped everything apart from the dress and the shoes into the bin.

Sitting down on the bed I hear the front door close. Alec must have came back. What a man-whore.

My thoughts drift of to the silver eyed Connor, who might not just gave me the scariest night of my life but also the best.



How do you like/not like Connor???????

The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora