16- Dangerous Plans

Start from the beginning

"What?!" exclaims Jane. "What, you can't take the girls somewhere and just dump them off the side of the craft! The Imeldi are probably still looking for them! What are they going to do, fend for themselves? What-"

"They will not be alone," says Fury, causing Jane's mouth to clamp shut. "Those with knowledge of the Imeldi will be-"

"But why are you separating them? Why can't they-"

"Because it will be safer for both of them," says Fury, clearly getting annoyed by Jane's continuous questions.

"Right, safer off board of a craft containing agents that fight crime," says Jane sarcastically. "Who are they going to be with anyway?"

Fury looks up at the ceiling. "We haven't figured that out. But absolutely Thor and Loki."

"What?" Jane and Loki ask simoultaneously. Bewildered, Jane glances at Loki and sputters, "You can't trust Loki with one of the girls! That's ridi-"

"And we will not be trusting him," says Fury, his steely gaze now on Loki, whose face remains blank. "We will be splitting the Avengers three fold."

"Three?" asks Steve with a frown. "But, sir, we play off of each other's strengths. Is separating us really-"

"We already know that Thor must leave, as he and Loki are the only ones with at least some knowledge on the Imeldi. Furthermore, as Ms. Foster so clearly pointed out, we are not going to trust Loki with the responsibility of one of the girls. Therefore, we will already have to send another. Finally, it makes sense, as the helicarrier's final stop will be headquarters, for at least some of us to remain."

There is silence.

"If the need should arise," says Fury. "Then, yes, we will bring all to headquarters to enable the safest route."

"Director," Natasha leans forward, "If the Nitri is gone from both girls, why do either Thor or Loki have to accompany them?" Clearly, Jane is not the only one to loathe the girls leaving the safety of S.H.I.E.L.D. premises.

"Because if I am not mistaken, perhaps not all of the Nitri, or at least perhaps not all of its effects, have completely vanished." He again turns to Loki, who raises his eyebrows as eight pairs of eyes rest on him.

Loki shrugs his shoulders ever so slightly. "I do not think whatever is left in Thea's body will kill her. But clearly, it is affecting her."

"Not mentally anymore," says Thor, ignoring Tony, who rolls his eyes. "But obviously her skills in combat, while still amateur, far outweigh a normal girl her age."

"So," says Fury, looking at Jane. "That's why. Because if the Nitri turns and begins to negatively affect them, which I rather doubt, an Asgardian, someone from another world and therefore someone with knowledge on the Imeldi must be with them."

"Fine." Jane slouches in her seat. "So who goes with who, and where the heck are we going anyway?"

Thor speaks first, drowning out Fury. "My first instinct and desire is to accompany Leah. However, due to recent events," he glances at Loki, "It may not be prudent."

"But hasn't Leah bonded with you more?" asks Steve.

"Yes," says Thor, then smiles slightly. "But there is the slight problem of Thea trying to kill Loki every other minute."

"You fear for my safety by the hands of a mortal girl?" asks Loki with a smirk. "How very touching."

"Actually, I do," says Thor, now a bit more solemn. "Thea may have been bluffing and not as intent lately, but I know she seeks vengeance on the death of her brother."

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now