Chapter 13- Give Me Brandy On My Breath

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Josephine danced with the students until her delicate feet throbbed. Tonight was her first night ever to truly dance and she loved it. It was an art to be able to move her body in time with the melody of the live piano. Even more so to be dancing with the liveliest of men and have them lead her across the floor. What a true treat.

 Josephine glanced to the blonde man standing outside to the circle with a grimace on his stony face. What was his problem? Was unable to have any sort of fun?

Let us now look into the inner workings of the man called Enjolras.

Though there was no work being done for the cause Enjolras was not as frustrated as he thought he should have been. The feeling was odd to Enjolras. The man of marble was usually unable to feel emotions beside patriotism. He was born with it and it drove his everyday actions. Without it he would feel lost, alone, and hold no mean.

How sad it would be to be a man with no reason for living. To go day in and day out relying only on one’s self to survive. And we all know the heart of the young man is untrue. He does not stop wanting. He is never content with here and now. He is unable to be happy with himself or his humble life. He always wants more. More food, more room to live, more money to spend. But he does not want to work for it because he has no reason to. His life is just one more life to waist. He does not stop to think or to reflect on the finer things in his miserable life. Life is destined only to be different shades of gray. The man does not know the bright colors of spring or the dewy colors of autumn. Woe to the man who does not hold propose, who does not have goals. He does not work for a living does not know the joys of life. He steals from the youth and robs from the old. He has no conscience. He is unable to feel because he has no reason to. He will never know the touch of a woman or the laughter of his own child. His head is stuck under the sand, never to see the glow of the sun. For the sun cannot shine on those who deny it and hide from its healing light. The man is doomed to an eternity of misery.

Enjolras could not become this man. It was not in his powerful blood. Enjolras was destined to live for his country and this was the only way he could live. When he saw any shade of red Enjolras’ heart swelled in pride and duty. His duty was to freedom and his mistress was no one besides liberty. France was his everything. When one thinks about Enjolras one’s next word is France.

At a very young age Enjolras had an interest in politics. Maybe it was because his father was a lawyer or maybe it was his uncle’s war stories. But Enjolras knew, yes he knew, that it was his job to free France once and for all.     

So why was he not demanding his men full attention at the moment? Enjolras should have been shouting, pounding his large fists on a table imploring his men to take action. He should have been warning them how precious their time was and how every second mattered. But somehow, some way, his lips did not move, his fists did not make a sound. He stood like Atlas, he thought like Zeus himself. Why did he only watch on?

Could it be that the drunkard had gotten to Enjolras? Were Grantaire’s wine induced words nipping at his usually clear conscience? Enjolras’ men did deserve a night of jubilant. There are many long nights of planning ahead and a rebellion looming in the distance. One night could not hurt anything too much, could it? Nothing life altering was going to happen.

But Enjolras was not sure how he felt about Josephine’s presence with the men. She had an effect on them like the flower to the bees. She was a distraction but she was needed. It would be impossible for Enjolras to admit it out loud but Josephine’s services would only help their cause. Where did she get her view points? Enjolras had no clue nor did he rather care to know at the moment. Josephine could write but could she with stand the pressures he was sure to put on her? A wicked part of Enjolras hoped not. He decided to have a drink or two to ease his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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