Chapter Three- Learning

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Like previously stated, I am not Victor Hugo. I did not write Les Miserables, I'm just obsessed with it.


Alarmed by the lack of Joly's presences, Josephine rushed to her neighbor's door. With a sense of panic, she rapidly knocked on his door. No answer. Taking a breath to calm herself, Josephine opened the unanswered door. Peeking into the room she could already tell Joly was not there. Josephine, being a naturally curious person, glanced around at Joly's few possessions. Looking at the wall opposite to her, she noted the many books that were neatly placed on book selves-most of them being medical textbooks. These wooden book selves were wedged next to his desk, which was placed under the window. Seeing his mattress facing north and south, Josephine couldn't help but smile in the midst of her fright. Joly is such an odd man, she happily thought as she turned to leave the unoccupied room. But before Josephine could leave the medical student's room she caught a glimpse of a rather large volume of red fabric stuffed under a chair that was placed in a corner. Not giving the mysterious material much thought, Josephine left Joly's room.

Resuming her state of distress, a thought crossed Josephine's mind. Perhaps Joly was waiting for her outside. Not thinking twice, Josephine practically flew down the narrow stair case. Dashing for the entry door, Josephine didn't pause to take a breath. Flinging herself out into the street, Josephine began to wonder why she wanted to find Joly so desperately. Was there apart of her that was getting attached to the handsome man? Certainly not, Josephine thought, shaking her head to abandon the thought. Glancing left and right, Josephine realized that she was at a cross-roads. Which way would Joly have gone? To her left there were some small shops owned by the locals. To Josephine's right there was an equally small cafe that didn't seem too busy. Joly did not seem like the type who would wait in a cafe for someone, too many people. With this thought, Josephine finally made up her mind. She turned left and began to run down the narrow cobblestone street. Josephine didn't look in front of her while she ran, but at the opposite side of the street-hoping to spot Joly. After all, Joly was a rather tall man so it should be quite easy to see him in a crowd.

Caught in her own world of peril, it took Josephine a moment to register that she had run into something, or rather, someone. What ever it was, it sent Josephine reeling backwards. Not being able to balance herself, Josephine began to fall. Just as she was expecting to hit the hard ground, a pair of strong arms caught her.

"Easy now, I wouldn't want a beautiful girl such as yourself falling," said Josephine's rescuer. The unknown man then lifted Josephine up to her legs so she could see him. Making eye-contact with the stranger, Josephine was immediately set aback. He was a man around her age, maybe older, with long black curls that sat haphazardly onto of his head. His eyes were an attractive dark brown that any girl could get lost in. Wearing the best of fashion for the time, Josephine noted the wealth the young man in front of her must of come from. "Though it was your fault for running into me," he added with a smooth smile, still holding onto Josephine's waist.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Josephine said, "Thank you for catching me, but could you please remove your arm from my waist?" She spoke with her usual frank tone, a tone that was both polite and stern. It was a speaking tactic she learned from her father when addressing strangers.

Doing as he was told, the young man removed his arm. With a slight blush he replied, "I'm sorry Mademoiselle, most women like it when I hold them." His embarrassment was quickly replaced with a cocky smile.

Not amused by the young man's ego, Josephine decided it was time for her to depart. Not saying another word she turned away from the self-confident boy. Though he was quite handsome, Josephine had no interest in him. She didn't even care that she did not learn his name.

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