Chapter Seven- The Confrontation

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Though it was unlike Josephine's personality to be a social butterfly, she was discovering that Paris was slowly making her a completely different person. A fact that startled Josephine as she stood in the center of a group of young, wealthy-looking men. Still on the arm of Courfeyrac, Josephine observed the new people around her. The group of students had thinned out some, probably off to their respected classes. Josephine found herself slightly dishearten for the man in the red waistcoat was also nowhere in sight, he seemed like the man she could have quite the conversation with.

"Everyone, please, if you would be so kind to give me your attention," the man named Courfeyrac spoke loudly to his group of friends, "this is my new friend and Joly's bench companion, Josie." he added a laugh as he looked down to Josephine, who was much smaller than himself. In fact, the new Parisian was much smaller than all of the strapping men.

Josephine blushed while the tall Courfeyrac spoke. She did not want to be knew as Joly's bench companion, but the thought did not bother Josephine as much as she thought it should have. "Please to meet you," Josephine smiled with a little nod of her head.

"Right lads, best behavior around Josie!" chuckled Courfeyrac as he clapped a hand on one of the other men's shoulders.

"Where has Joly gone?" asked a young man with chestnut colored, scruffy hair.

"He has his medical classes this morning," retorted another who had no hair what so ever.

"Of course you would know, Bossuet," remarked another well-dressed student.

Josephine watched the young men bicker with amusement as she leaned into Courfeyrac to ask the question, "What do they mean that the bald one knows so much about Joly?"

With a mischievous smile and loud enough for the entire group to hear the handsome lad close to Josephine exclaimed,"Joly and Bossuet sometimes broad together and they share everything!"

"Oh?" Josephine asked more confused than ever.

"Mademoiselle Josie, you must see, I am quite an unfortunate man," laughed the bald man who Josephine gathered was Bossuet, "My parents both died when I was young. Though they were wealthy, I did not get a dime of it. Paris raised me and I taught myself to read and write. It seems as if no man likes my work, but I still survive. Paris sustains me. And when I'm in dire need Joly reaches out a hand and allows me to broad with him. He gives me guidance." the bald man stated as he stared beyond the walls of campus.

Though the man with thread-bare clothes should have been upset with his poverty he smiled at his misfortunes. It seemed as if he was laughing at his life, saying nothing can take away his laugh. For this, Josephine admired the grinning man who should have been weeping. Many a man found in his position would have been driven to savage ways. But the man Bossuet appeared to be one of the most honest men Josephine had met. This fact left the green-eyed beauty completely perplexed and yet in awe.

"What a story you have," Josephine spoke dumfounded as she fixed her gaze upon the gathering of young men who looked more like older boys.

"We all have a story," claimed the young man sporting a parsley dress shirt. He entered the center of the group now and clasped a supportive hand on Bossuet's shoulder. "Though it may not appear like it, we all are the same in our love of Paris."

This statement by the young man with long, tangly blond hair triggered an idea within Josephine that pulled the corner of her lips up. "I know what my article is going to be about," she whispered to Courfeyrac.

"Oh?" Courfeyrac replied in low tones.

"Most certainly. But I need to converse with your friends more." she replied softly.

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