Something has to give

Start from the beginning

"How'd you know I was here?" She asked wiping her eyes with her jacket sleave.

She scooted over on the vandilized bench making room for me to sit next to her.

"Because you my boo, and I just know you like that" I flashed her a half heartedly smile, and winked at her.

She pushed her long hair out of her face.

"I'm so stupid" She sighed as she looked at the deserted park.

"Nah, you probably stubborn and don't know how to let shit die down but not stupid" I offered my opinion.

"Khyro stop talking to me. What are you doing here?" She asked annoyingly.

I rolled my eyes, and it made her smile. See I think her smile is what attracted me to her in the first place.

A smile you could trash! My subconscious sneered at me.

I shook my head. "Cameron I'm sorry"

She looked up momentarily confused. "For what?" She asked.

Bile rised in my throat. I knew the decision of whether this girl would remain in my life longer depended on how these words came out of my mouth.

I cleared my throat. "I havent been completely honest with you" She rolled her eyes, and turned away from me.

"Typical." I heard her mutter. I sighed.

"But I'm ready now" I said. "To be honest" This is it, I'm gonna come clean and ask Cameron Baisley to be my girl.

Nah scratch that, I gotta do it like tha thug I am and ask Cameron to be my ride or die.

"I'm listening" She stared blankly at the pink nail polished that covered her short nails.

I sighed. "This whole time I've been trying to get with you to make you victim to this game I play" I dont know how but I got the words out.



Typical bullshit.

After Khyro said that everything that I have ever held onto let loose but I wasnt suprised.

I wasn't suprised because how could The Khyro Simmons actually want to be with me out of all girls.

I didn't wanna seem hurt or dissapointed, even tho I was.

I looked up at him his eyes were gaurded and his breathing had became heavier.

I forced a smirk onto my face. "I know" I said.

He looked momentarily confused.

"You know?" He asked.

I chuckled. "Well yea, Im just wondering why you chose today to come clean and tell me." I waited in anticipation for his answer.

"Because today I wann-

"Well well well" I heard the voice of my ex-bestfriend come out of nowhere.

And the only thing that was running through my mind was Khyro Simmons had set me up.

"Shit" I mummbled. This was it, I was about to get jumped.

I looked up and saw numerous amounts of kids that attended my school with there phones out ready to record.

I saw that Kyauna, and Dhyrah stood next to eachother.

Now I could either run or try and fight these bitches off. But I knew I stood no chance of beating both of them up.

"Khyro you set me up" I whispered in disbelief.

"Cammy no I-

"What's goin on?"

"Ka'Rahjaa?" I stood up off the rusty bench.

"Cameron" She smirked. I sighed in relief I had somebody on my side. Now I could talk shit.

I asked with a pretty smile on my face. "So wassup?"

"Cameron dont pop fly, I will bust you in yo mouth" Dhyrah snapped.

I took a step forward. The tension in the air was so thick. Khyro tried to grab my arm, but I snatched away from him.

"Khyro no" I said calmly. "I'm ready for this bitch" I tied my hair up and removed my jacket.

"This what you want?" I asked moving away from the bench. Ka'Rahjaa looked like she was gone swing any minute.

"Come and get it" I added. Here it goes. I was gonna fight my bestfriend.

Dhyrah stepped forward and for a minute we just gawked at eachother. Both wondering if this was what everything was going to boil down to.

I had too much pride to lose this fight so ignoring the fluttery feelings, and butterflies that had formed in my stomach. I took another glance at Ka'Rahjaa she nodded to me, letting me know she had my back.

Dhyrah got into a fighting stance. "Come on! Hit me" Dhyrah screamed. But me? I was calm.

"You swing" I let my anger boil up.

She ran a hand over her head and I took that to my advantage and I snatched her up by her shirt and landed two blows to her face. The fight was on.
She tried to swing me so that she could get me down but nah I aint giving that easy.
I swung another one.
Whap! It opened her lip up a bit.
She swung at me and punched me in my face. Shit hurted.
She tried to swing me again, and too my suprise we both tumbled onto the ground.

I felt her get on top of me and punch me in my face about 5times before I snatched what hair she had and swung her off of me.

Now I had the avantage as she layed on the ground. Never letting go of her hair I repeatidly punched her hard in her face drawing blood.

At that point it didnt matter if we had history. I just didn't like this bitch.

I blacked out, and started stomping her. I banged her face into the old bench.

Then I felt some powerful ass blows hammering the back of my head.

It was on now! Kyauna had jumped in. Out the corner of my eye as I continued to beat Dhyrah viciously I saw Ka'Rahjaa attack Kyauna.

I hit Dhyrah once more then she had fell to the ground hard and showed no relentless movement.

"She put her to sleep!"


"Oh my god is she dead?" Is all I heard from the croud.

I turned to see Ka'Rahjaa actually getting beat up. Like shooter? Really?

I snatched Kyauna off Ka'Rahjaa and landed a couple blows to her shit.

I won. I did it. I won. "What you still wanna fight me too?" I asked Kyauna. It was the adrenaline rush.

She rolled her eyes and went to check on Dhyrah. I took one more look at the scene as I caught my breath.
I had beatin up my ex-bestfriend.

Khyro stared at me
I just couldn't get out my mind that he set me up.

I flipped him off, and started to walk off. Without Ka'Rahjaa, without him! By myself. This shit was fucking stupid! All of it was! Fuck this!


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