Chapter Four

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I slid down a brick wall. I had finally made it back to my hideout. I struggled for air. I needed to work on my cardio. I couldn't imagine Evan with his asthma. It begun to get dark. Noir finally showed up. 

"What happened?" I asks after we caught our breaths back. 

"The cop was chasing after Evan and me, then I looked back and they where gone." she frowned.

I sighed. Dammnit Evan. I'll strangle him later. Always getting caught. 

"Evan knows his way around. He should be fine." 

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine!" I said angrily.

Still no sing of him as the sun went down.

Noir yawned,"Should we go look for-" 

I didn't hear the rest.

"No, city's too big to look. Let's rest maybe he'll show up tomorrow," I said climbing the building. 

"Alright," Noir followed me. 

I pulled myself the rest of the way up. I laughed. Asshole.

"Evan has the money! So more granola bars!" I laughed again," Man, am I sick of these."

She shrugged,"Me as well."

Something smacked into my heard. I stumbled. THE HELL? Noir laughed.

"What the?" I said picking the Big Mac that had just rammed into my skull. Da fuck?

"You said you wanted a Big Mac!" Evan called down from the ground.

She laughed again,"You 'did' say that."

I chuckled,"You better have gotten two! Now get up here we're starving!"

He rolled his eyes and began to come up.

Noir yawned again. He reached the top with McDonald's bags between his teeth. He sat the bags down. I sighed happily.

"What do you have for me?" Noir asked.

He smiled and pulled out nuggets,"Are you a ranch lady? Or are you a honey mustard lady?" 

"Honey mustard."

I gagged,"You two are disgusting!" 

He shook her head. Noir laughed again as she got her chicken nuggets and sauce.

"You really are mean, No!" Evan said as he threw the Big Mac at me.

I caught it and smiled. He sat down and ate his own nuggets.

We all ate in peace.


There ya go! Was bored so decided to update. Hope I didn't disappoint! Love ya

Sorry for the cursing as well. It adds to the effect.

Guess the fandom of the picture in the notice chapter and I'll put you in the next one as an easter egg!

Yes, I do realize some things I say in the book may not be true or may not occur. This is written for entertainment values.

Disclaimer : I own every one of these characters except for Noir Fantome. She belongs to 

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