"I drank...a lot..too many drinks in too little time." He says coughing again and leaning over to throw up but ending up coughing. He has nothing to throw up.

"Drink water." I say grabbing his face making him look at me. He shakes his head. I grab his mouth and squish his cheeks to open his mouth and make him forcibly drink the water. He swallows and grabs the bottle and begins drinking voluntarily. I let out a sigh of relief and grab the towel cleaning his sweaty forehead. He starts breathing slower and eventually closes his eyes. I scream and slap his face gently trying to wake him. 

"Harry please! Wake up please please!" I say. He opens his eyes half away and closes them again, I felt my cheeks get wet and I wipe my tears from my face. 

"Wake up Harry," I cry out. I hold him to my chest and he groans, "Come on...wake up Harry, no sleeping, sleeping means you'll die...please don't die.." I say softly. 

He puts his hand on my thigh which as obnoxious as he could get, is a good sign, he has no energy to speak or move, but that small gesture lets me know he's aware that he needs to stay awake. 

"Where a-am I." He slurs

"Don't worry...Just stay awake okay?" I say, he looks up at me, his eyes half shut. I get the water bottle from the floor and give it to him. He take small sips and keeps drinking. 

"There you go.. You'll be okay....just.. Stay alive for me.." 

His breathing became shallow and my heart drops just hearing the way he was breathing, I hear the door ring and I rush over opening the door. It was our RA, Tina and the paramedics. I rush over to the bathroom where Harry was passed out. They lift him onto the gurney and they exit the room, I see Quinn walk up to the room as I walk out. 

"El?" She says as I follow the paramedics.

"I'll be back soon! Call Skye and tell her I'm at the hospital." I tell Quinn. She nods slowly in confusion. They wait for the elevator as I rush to the stairs and run down. I make it to the bottom and see them go out with Harry. 

"Who are you? His girlfriend? Sister? If you're a friend you have to stay here, we will contact his family through the school, you must not come with u--" 

"I'm his girlfriend of 4 years." I lie. A cringey lie. 

"Does he have family here?" The paramedic said as we rush out the door and to the ambulance. Three paramedics lift him onto the car and the one I was talking to and I jump in. He starts putting things onto Harry and taking his vitals, they put a mask on him for him to breathe. I was afraid. I was so afraid. 

"BP is way too high and his core body temperature is 93. He could go into hypothermic shock." The paramedic said as the other prepared an IV bag and inserted needles into his veins on each arm.

"What is going on!?" I say freaking out. Harry was groaning and his eyes were halfway open and closing again. I hear my phone ring, I look at it: Liam. I reject the call and hold Harry's hand. 

"His blood is cold, was he inside a tub cold water or something?" The paramedic asks. I shake my head. We finally get to the hospital and they lower Harry out of the car and I rush inside with him and they take him to a room. I walk in and the doctors tell me to sit down. I take a seat and watch as they draw blood and insert more needles to his body. They put on a different oxygen mask and oxygen begins flowing. After a while the nurses come and cover him up with a blanket.  

"He will be alright. If you would of waited any longer to call the ambulance, this boy here would of been dead." The doctor says, "Who are you?" 

"His girlfriend." I say softly, I hated to lie but I didn't want to leave Harry all alone. 

"Right. Well, your boyfriend will be okay, tell me..."

"Hazel Ryan." 

"Miss Ryan...was he drinking?" He asks. I have to make up a story on the spot because if I say he voluntarily wanted to die, they'll stick him in a mental hospital and his career in boxing ends right there. 

"We went to a party, well...he went to a party, and got drunk, when I went to pick him up, he was like this, so I took him to my dorm to help him, I think he didn't keep track of how much he drank. He always wants to act all tough in front of his friends." I frown.

"Right...That's what I thought. Alcoholic Hypothermia. Again, luckily he will be fine, we've contacted his mother because due to his license, he was already in the system. Harry Styles is a fine boxer, I wouldn't want to see someone like him dead due to alcohol. He's fallen into a small coma, but we are sure he will wake up soon, the coma is not a real coma, he's asleep because of all  the medicines it's just a matter of when." The doctor says before walking out, "But he will be okay, he's a fighter." The doctor smiles before leaving. 

I sit on the chair next to his bed and look at him, he looked so lifeless. Why is it me who gets stuck with him? Why can't I leave him, I mean I know his mother will be here soon, He's in good hands, what is stopping me from leaving him. he's not in a coma, he's just asleep right now, he didn't even pass out because they caught him before he could pass out in the ambulance. I hear the beeping of his heart beat and I grab his hand and sigh. 

"Stay alive. You fighter.." I say resting my head on his arm, "I know you can hear me asshole. You better fu.cking wake up." I say before feeling a small squeeze on my hand.   

Stay Alive // Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now