“Just because I like you, doesn’t mean I want us to hump like bunnies!” Sasori leaned back, smirking.

“Trust me, I’m much better than a bunny.” Sasori leaned forward, placed his lips next to my ear again. “I can go all night.”


“Itachi!” I yelled, running down the hall.

I’d taken the task of shortening my cloak into my own hands. Although I may had over exaggerated my short stature, because the hem of the cloak was currently flapping mid-thigh.

The Uchiha turned and gave me an icy glare, which would normally deter the rest of the Akatsuki.

Except for me.

“I need some advice!” Itachi stared down at me, my head had to bend back considerably. Mostly because I was freakishly short, and Itachi was freakishly tall.

I puffed out my cheeks and pointed down, “Squat,” I ordered, “You’re making me feel uncomfortable.” Itachi didn’t do as he was told, he just continued to silently stare at me.

I frowned, “Fine, have it your way.” I made a few hand signs, before turning into Itachi himself.

Itachi’s eyes narrowed slightly as his head slowly rose to look himself in the eyes.

“Undo that jutsu. Right. Now.” I crossed my arms and stuck my nose in the air,

“No! You didn’t bend down, so I became your height.”

“What do you want?” Itachi asked, letting a hint of irritation coat his voice. I sobered up,

“Is Sasori normally this…. Expressive?” Itachi raised a perfect eyebrow. Damn Uchiha’s and their perfect body.

“Explain.” Itachi stared at me, looking bored, but I knew he was interested.

“Well…” I scratched behind my head, temporarily freaking out at the feel of my hair in a pony tail, before remembering that I was Itachi. “He seems to always sexually harass me…” Itachi frowned, and I realised it must be rather weird to hear his voice say that.

I sighed and reluctantly released the jutsu, deciding to deal with the hassle of almost breaking my neck.

Itachi’s head tilted down as he focused back onto my face.

“Sasori is reserved, it wouldn’t be his normal beha-“ I frowned when Itachi cut himself off mid-sentence, his eyes widened considerably.

I was about to ask what was wrong, but he covered his mouth and started convulsing with wet sounding coughs.

I slapped a hand over my mouth as he fell to his knees, I could hear the whistle of his breath as he tried to breathe in between coughs.

As the realisation set in that Itachi was in an extremely bad situation, I dropped to my knees and started to hit him on the back.

“What’s wrong?” I exclaimed, slightly disturbed by the intense look of fear plastered across his sickly pale face.

He took away a blood soaked hand and pointed down the hall, to where his room was. I took this as a sign that he wanted me to take him there, so I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started dragging him to his room, as fast as possible.

I bit my lip when I noticed blood dripping off his hand and onto the floor, smudging slightly as his feet dragged over the red liquid.

When I reached his room, I kicked the door open, not caring if I broke the lock or not. I quickly placed him onto the bed, and assumed that he had some kind of medication. So I promptly started to rummage around in this draws, throwing things on the ground if they were in the way.

Mine, Even in DeathWhere stories live. Discover now