Sasuke let out a small laugh. "I never thought I'd say this but... I love you."

Sakura stared at the boy in awe as a huge smile began making its way into her face. "I hope I'm able to tell her this.." Sasuke said, and her smile dropped.

"Tell.. who?" Sakura asked uneasily.

"Karin, who else?" Sasuke said. "Anyways let's try this again, I'm... me and you're Karin okay?"

Sakura could only stare at the boy as tears began welling up in her eyes, but for his sake she held them back.

"I love you." Sasuke said, waiting for Sakura to reply.

"I love you too..." Sakura said quietly, and she meant it.

"You really think she'll say that?" Sasuke asked hopefully.

Sakura's words failed her and all she could do was give him a watery smile and nod, Sasuke grinned and pulled her into a hug. Just then, the rain decided to come down.

"Should I go tell her?" Sasuke asked, ignoring the downpour. Sakura nodded, using the rain to disguise her tears. Sasuke stepped back and put his hand out to start their handshake, Sakura complied half heartedly and in a second he was gone, leaving the pinkette crying in the rain.


Karin sat on her porch as she watched the rain, deep in thought and staring at a spot on the lawn. She hadn't noticed the Uchiha walking up to her until he spoke.

"Hey Karin." He said.

"Hey Sasuke." She replied, still staring at the same spot she was before.

"I love you." He said, making her jump and look up.

She stared at the soaked boy for any signs of this being a joke and found none, so she smiled, a blush adorning her cheeks. "I love you too."

Meanwhile, Sakura sat by her window. Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she stared at the rain, wondering what her two friends were doing now. Tsunade walked over to the girl with a sad face before placing a hand on her shoulder and handing her an envelope.

"It's from your mother." Tsunade said quietly and left.

Sakura stared at the envelope and grabbed it, opening it to read the letter.

Dear Sakura,

Your father is very ill, more than he was before. I know your final exams are coming up, but we need you at home right now. I'm sure we could get the college to let you write the exams another time, or you could go to one of the colleges around here. I'm not saying you have to come home, but your father doesn't have a long time left. I hope to see you soon.


Sakura's bad mood worsened, but she had already made a decision.


The next day, Sasuke and Karin ran down the train platform in search of the pinkette. When they heard she was leaving they didn't waste time in coming. Sasuke told Karin to search the other end of the train and continued looking for a flash of pink hair. Karin nodded and ran down to the other train car and just then Sasuke came across his best friend, sitting by the window with her bag beside her and dressed in a white trench coat with a red scarf around her neck.

Love Is Friendship [#OtakuBattle2017]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant