"Did you guys - "

I was stunned by his non-hesitant rapid answer, as his body tensed at my question.
I stayed speechless; contemplating my next approach.

"Do you...like her?" I hesitantly interrogated his feelings.

"I'm very interested in her. But, that's one way to put it." He cooed, after a moment of deliberate thinking.

"Well, I think she is interested in you too, or another way to put it, like you." I remarked.

"I want Noora to be happy. And if she has just the slightest soft spot for you, and you are interested in her, or like her, then I think you guys can have something - special. I think she should give you a chance. I can tell you're different around her, it's like when she's around you become a totally different person. And, if she doesn't give you a chance, then... that's stupid. Because, everybody deserves a chance." I soothed, letting a shaky breath escape my lips.
I could tell my delicate words affected him, as his body tensed less, and he progressively continued to cook breakfast.

"Thanks." He mumbled, but still audible for me to hear.

"Hey, you need any help making breakfast?" I inquired, after a moment of silence, fixating my hair into a high ponytail.

"If you could make the bacon that'd be great." He mentioned, as he poured some batter into the fry pan.

"Well, we can't let the children starve." I cooed, as we both chuckled at my deliberate remark.

"Hurry and get to work on fixing the bacon hunny. Before the kids come down here and get cranky because you'll have to fend for yourself while I'll be running out the front door!" He tagged along.

We both burst into obnoxious laughter at our uncanny jokes.

"What a father you are." I cooed, placing the bacon in the heated frying pan.

It took about eleven minutes to fixate the large amount of bacon, before William requested for me to wake up the children.
I guided my way back upstairs, waking up Noora who just stated she'd be down in a minute.
Next was Chris.

I tried to be discreetly as possible as I entered his room, trying not to make the wooden floor creak underneath my footsteps, as I gradually trudged my way towards the bed, grabbing the firm pillow I had been laying on earlier.
I went to the other side of the bed, ready to take action.
I lifted my pillow over my head, before slamming it down on Chris' face, making him emerge a groan.
I burst into a fit of laughter.

"Get up!" I yelled broadly, slapping him again with the firm pillow, laughter continuing to escape my lips.

"Stop, or I swear to God -"

"You swear to God what?" I inquired, elevating my eyebrows upward, as I aimed at his face, but he immediately caught it before the impact. He forcefully tugged the pillow towards him, making it release from my weak hands.

He glared up at me, causing my breath to hitch in my throat.
He immediately threw the covers off his body, and boy I was not in a good situation.

I made a run for it, as Chris chased me out the room.

"William! Mission abort mission abort! The child is cranky! I repeat the child is crank-" I was halfway through the hallway, before he had caught up with me, tossing me over his unclothed masculine  shoulder, making my face, face his bare backside, letting my arms loosely dangle, as a scream erupted from inside me before I could finish my declaration.

"Save yourself!" I declared at William, and I swear I could hear him laughing loudly from all the way downstairs.

"Chris!" I bellowed, a low laugh escaping my lips, as he abruptly swung open his door, locking it once we were back in his room.

He tossed me on his disheveled bed, as he stood at the edge of the bed. He gripped his hands around my ankles, and yanked me towards him, the sheets tagging along underneath me.

He peppered sloppy kisses up my thigh, maneuvering the shirt up that was covering my black lace thong.

He yanked down my thong forcefully and needily, almost seeming he would rip it from how aggressive he was.

He lowered his face between my thighs, looking up at my sexually flustered state, my head dug into the mattress, my eyes fluttered closed, the very few actions that already had got me out of breath and aroused.

"Naughty girl." His aggressive purr making tingles run down my spine, as he used his mouth where it was needed most at the moment.

After feasting on the exquisite breakfast prepared by William, the chef himself, me and Chris trailed our way back up to his disheveled boyish bedroom; so I could get some answers from last nights event.

We both plopped lazily down on the disheveled bed.

"What happened last night?" I blurted out unaccountably, searching his tranquiled pupils.

He averted his intimidating eyes towards me,
studying my bewildered expressionalized face.

"You don't remember anything from last night?" He astounded, elevating his eyebrows up.

"All I remember is that...intimate bathroom moment we had. But, pretty much everything after that was a blur." I inquired, fiddling with a lose string on the hem of the shirt I was currently dressed in.

"Well, after our intimate bathroom episode, we headed downstairs. You drank..a lot. Your friends, other than Sana and Noora, were drunk. Isak, Jonas and Sana decided to take them to Noora's apartment that she shared with her roommates, Eskild and Linn. Noora stayed the night over here..obviously. She said it's best for you to stay, since all three of us were sober, and it's one less drunk person for Isak, Jonas, and Sana to take care of. So, you stayed..and I changed you out of your tight clothes, that looked somewhat uncomfortable by the way. I also, uh..washed off your makeup - I didn't think you'd want your makeup smudged all over your face when you woke up." He clarified.

"You're very descriptive."

"But, thank you. Thank you for taking care of me." I embraced, giving him an adequate slender smile.

He nodded his head, giving me a shy smug, making my heart churn at the soft gesture.

What can I say? The Chris Schistad..has an effect on me, but I'd never admit it.


I smell a William x Meredith friendship

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