What every girl wants hear from a boy

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Ash: Nope

Serena: Would you live for me.....A-Ash

Ash: No, i wouldn't.

Serena: "W-Would you do anything for me"

Ash: No

Serena: "Choose me or....life."
She questioned her last, wanting to hear yes but...

Ash: My life

When Serena asked every lady question to Ash. they were all refusals.

There was pain struck inside, letting her body fall down on the floor. Hot tears were overflowing from her red sapphire eyes, giving out some sniffs from nose and ran off as fast she could. Getting away from the raven boy as possible in a shock depression.

Why? Why did he say those thing to her? does he love her? Does he not she's pretty enough...for him?, with all these questions going through her mind they all answered no from ash's voices.

Serena ran into the deep dark forest without looking back.

Ash: "Serena! wait!"

He shouted loud and starts running after her, quickening his legs as he runs into the dark forest with eyes scanning around the area like a security camera.

Why did he say those things to her? Why? Well...the reason was she told the wrong questioned, too him...

When Ash goes into the deep dark forest, he heard a crying sniff running through his ear. he craned and looked to the direction where it came from and ran as fast as he could.

When he finally arrives at the scene. He saw Serena sitting down on a metal chair with both hands covering up her face, hiding the salty tears from her red eyes, feeling heartbroken from the refusal confession.

Ash: "Serena"
he said as he walk up to her with a worried expression.

Serena notices and spoke out in a quivering voice.

Serena: "g-go away A-Ash"
she responds with a shaky voice but Ash ignores.

He bent down in a squatting position and looked up at her crying face. He slowly yet gently grabs her soft hand, pulling both of them away to see salty tears that were sliding down from her eyes down to her chin.

Ash: "Why Serena."

Serena: "because y-you don't love"
she replied, dropping her head down looking at her pink dress with tears dripping on to it. however what happens next made her heart skip a beat making it revive back up, blocking each hard punch.

Ash: "Serena....I do love you."
he said with a goofy smile.

When saying this. Serena immediately tly looks back up with wide eyes as her heart beat again with every second. she wiped the tears from her eyes and spoke out.

Serena: "b-but...why did you say those things when I questioned you."
She questioned, wanting to know the reason why but Ash gave out a smile.

Ash: "because they're wrong."

when saying this. Serena had a confused expression.

Serena: "huh, w-what di you mean Ash."

she spoke, Ash looked into her sapphire eyes and spoke.

Ash: "Serena, The reason you never crossed my mind....is because you always on my mind"
He confessed in a soothing tone with a gentle smile.

When Serena heard this, her blue eyes were begining to widened with every questioned asked as her heart was beating fast with a hot blush forming across the face also hot tears were coming out from her eyes, sliding down the red cheeks.

Ash: "The reason why I don't like you... is because I love you Serena. i really do. The reason I don't want is because... I need you by my side. The reason why I wouldn't cry if I left because... I'll die if you left.

The reason I'm not willing to do anything for you is because.... I would do everything for you. Always... And The reason I chose my life is because.... you are my life, serena.

whenever i felt down, you were there to support me in battles. without you...I feel broke like a half of a whole. Without you...I've got no hand to hold. Without you...I feel torn like a sail in a storm. Without you...I'm just a... I'm just..sad."

He spoke with one tear drop coming from his auburn eyes, sliding down his Z marks cheeks to the chin, dropping to the grass.
He looked at Serena who was shocked, widen eyes were watering up with tears overflowing by sliding down her hot red cheeks. Soft lips were slightly opened, her heart was beating million times as before. Her crush and childhood hero saying those loving words in front of her eyes and ears.

Ash's face leaned forward coupe of inches away from Serena's, his breath hitching on to her soft pink lips. Auburn chocolate Eyes meeting ocean sapphires with the moonlight at the background.

Ash: "I love you Serena"
He dope softly, letting the breath cone out from his mouth into her soft lips. He began to lean forward but Serena interrupts.

She grabs a hold of Ash's blue jacket coller tightly and furiously leaned her head forwards. Her soft glistened pink lips smooched onto Ash's lips, kissing under the moonlight. Slightly Tilting her head sideways with eyes closed.

Ash was surprise from the sudden action but let his emotions, feelings and love out, doing same back to Serena as they kiss under the moonlight.

After a couple moments they apart their heads then Serena placed her head gently on Ash's chest as they stood up in a hugging position.

Serena: "I-I love you A-ash"
She confessed with one tear drop from her eyes, when ash heard this, a smile formed on his lips, listening his childhood crush's words.

He gives a gentle kiss on Serena's head and looks up in the moonlight

Ash: I love you too.....Serena.

I'm so sorry amour-shippers, I could of put more effort but I'm just lacking my writing skills right now, I've got like, well...17 one shots right now and there terrible of my writing skills.

Well see you guys.

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