Chapter Thirty Nine: Moon Goddess

Start from the beginning

He grabbed my chin roughly and starred at me ad his fangs were out. "Eat or there's gonna be another whipping" he said with a smirk. He enjoyed this weakness he had on me. I moved my face from his grip and starred at the nasty oatmeal. I dipped my head and ate the oatmeal like I was an animal. My stomach growled and even though this didn't taste pleasant it was better than nothing.

I wiped my mouth with my free hand and slumped back to the cold wall. He starred at me but I didn't dare look up. "I can't believe you though you could get away from me" he said smiling like an idiot. I glared at him and images of Xavier flew through my brain. I looked down at my amulet and it was glowing green. I was praying Ryder didn't notice the glow from beneath my tattered shirt I slipped on.

This meant they were looking for me. But it was no use they cant find me. I will be stuck here forever, might as well just die young. "Please leave me alone" I whispered. He got closer and kneeled down.

He moved my hair away from my face. His lips connected with my cheek and I whimpered. I didn't want his kisses I wanted Xavier's. This bipolar son of a bitch is crazy I thought. I moved my face from him and he slapped me once again. I fell to the side as tears ran down my face.

"What the fuck do you want from me?!" I yelled and sobbed uncontrollably.

He gripped my thigh and his sharp nails dug through. "I want you to be mine!" He yelled and his face was inches away. I spit in his face, he growled and jumped back wiping his face.

He punched me on the side of my face and I saw black dots invading my vision. He kicked me in my stomach and I puked out the remaining oatmeal that was in my stomach. He kicked me repeatedly and I felt that my lungs were on fire. I coughed up blood, and my brain felt dizzy. I laid on the ground with my eyes shut.

"You made me do this to you. Everything is your fault" he said coming closer to my limp body.

"Your a monster" I whispered against the cold ground I laid on. My body was shrieking in pain. "Don't you have a mother? Would she want you treating me like this? Or is this what all you vampires do?" I said as my lips brushed against the ground. I heard him breathing loudly and he punched the wall and yelled in anger.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother!" He yelled and punched the wall once more. His blonde hair ceased with sweat as he inhaled loudly.

"Why? because you know she would be disappointed in you!" I yelled and tugged on my chain which gained a wince from me. He grabbed my neck and squeezed it roughly.

"Because my moms dead you bitch!" He threw me to the other side of the bed.

"You don't know anything about me so stop acting like you do!" He yelled and turned around. His hands turned into fists and he didn't dare show me his face.

"Tell me about her" I said softly trying to gain his trust so I would learn his weakness. He turned around his face looked confused to why I would even mention her again.

"My mother was human, she didn't have any vampire blood in her. One night the odds weren't in her favor. She got off of work one night later than she usually did, and a vampire attacked her. He raped and beat her that was the night I was conceived. She didn't know what to do. She found out that she was pregnant and she didn't want to give me up. She kept me a secret from everyone, after all she was only a teenager" Ryder said and my mouth fell open but things still didn't make sense to me.

"After three months I was born. My birth obviously wasn't like a human babies. I was a vampire kept in a humans womb. My mother died instantly when I was born. I never got to see her" he said as a tear fell from his eye. He turned around and wiped his eyes. I looked down not knowing exactly what to say.

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