Chapter Thirty Eight: Time Stood Still

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She was right, but that doesn't mean I was gonna let her know that. A low growl escaped my lips and I gave her my death glare. She seemed affected a little as she swallowed the lump in her throat, but she still held her ground. She was tiny and I had to bend my back just to look at her.

"Tell me how you'd feel if your mate was gone and marked by another person?!" I yelled. Serenity grabbed Ariana. Ariana's eyes softened and she looked away from me.

"Exactly! so don't get in my fucking face again Ari" I gritted my teeth and turned around and grabbed my leather jacket off of my chair.

I felt a small hand rest on my arm and I turned around finding the same green eyes I had stare back at me. Melissa had a faint smile on her milky face.

"You know if he marked her you wouldn't feel her pain. Its from the mate bond you guys have. Just remember that she's still yours and she'll always just be yours" Melissa said hugging me. I hugged her back and felt our twin bond getting stronger by each minute that went by.

"We'll find her and when we do I'm gonna give him hell" Ross said gritting his teeth and holding onto the desk.

"Not before I kill him first" I said memories of my Rosey played in my head. Her beautiful smile, he probably shattered her emotions.

"Let's go" I said shaking her cries out of my head.

We reached Pine forest and I saw Melinda leaning against a tree. The girls went over to her and hugged her. Her purple hair went hand in hand with the blue sky. Her black cloak covered her petite body up.

"How are you Alpha?" She asked with emotional eyes.

"I could be better" I answered honestly not really wanting to talk about it. She nodded and grabbed a fist full of dirt from the ground and rubbed it against her hands, as some fell down.

She shut her eyes and mumbled gibberish words. Her eyes flew open and her violet eyes were gone and replaced with all white. A deep voice came out and startled everyone.

"She's up north in an old cabin. Find her before your whole destiny is made up with one decision. You'll know its the cabin when you see it, Rosalina's in danger and you only have specific amount of time to find her before something happens that will change your lives" the deep voice came out of Melinda's lips but it didn't match her soft voice like before. It was more male like and dominant.

She shut her eyes once again and dropped the dirt. Her eyes flew open to the violet eyes she had before. "Did you get all that?" She asked shaking the dirt off of her hands. I nodded.

"What the hell what that?" Ariana said bewildered. Everyone stared at her as if she was possessed.

"That was my witch channeling in" she said zipping her cloak up as a breeze past by. "Just like your wolfs take over, my witch takes over sometimes" she said crossing her arms over her chest.

"That was some crazy shit" I said running my hands through my black hair.

"Why Alpha, you scared?" Melinda asked smirking my way.

"No!" I growled the birds flew from the trees. Okay maybe just a little.

"That was so cool!" Meghan said touching Melinda's face, as Melinda swatted her hand away from her face.

"I've never seen someone with violate eyes before. I thought they were impossible to have" Meghan said starting curiously at Melinda.

She shrugged. "With super naturals you gotta expect the impossible. and I am part witch so..." Everyone looked at her like she was an alien.

Does It Still Hurt? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora