Chapter Eighteen: Mute

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Third person

The girls have found out the truth. They stand there around the their friends and family. They came here for their memorial. It's now been a few months since the girls have passed. They gazed at everyone as some cried and some seemed emotionless. Like they were in deep thought.

Empress stood next to her boyfriend Harry. He was sobbing his eyes out, his friends next to him as well as Empress' friends comforting him. She felt extremely bad for her boyfriend. She felt so much pity and guilt, Of course her friends told she shouldn't, she just couldn't help but feel that way.

Evie had stood next to her soon to be husband, or at least they were suppost to get married, she had thought he was dead, they all did. she was feeling the same emotions as her sister Empress. Full of sadness and guilt. Evie looked at her fience as tears were running down her face. 

Lesly was with Grace while they looked at their family and friends and cried. They still couldn't believe this had happened. They couldn't believed they had been taken from their lives and warm bodies or at least what they believed but, their souls now being hunted by a demon.

Their deaths made the news, their story didn't add up to anyone. They all just seemed like they disappeared. Of course they knew the truth. They knew a demon had killed them and are chasing after them. The couldn't stay i one place for too long on the other side. Or else it would sence them.

They were nervous, nervous to being caught. They didn't what to know what would happen if the would of gotten caught that day, the day they finally broke out of limbo. They were scared, but them knowing that they each other and had something it wanted, they weren't as scared as they thought they were.

They felt safe with each other. 


Empress, Evie, Lesly and Grace watched as one by one of their family and friends left but as Harry bent down to Em's headstone, they watched. He put his hands on her photo, bowing his head. His friends turned around an watched as he did so. They exchanged glances with one another, knowing full well, how their friend is feeling.

"I'll get you guys back, don't worry." He spoke lightly but they had heard loud and clear. The girls didn't know what that meant. The girls looked at each other, confused, Empress knew deep down it wasn't good nor did she like the sound of that.

The girls were still shocked by the events that had ocurred just three months ago. They were supposed to be attending college by now. They couldn't help but wonder what Harry had meant.

Harry had something up his sleeve , and it didn't like it, not one bit.




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