Chapter Nine: Escape

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• Empress •

Since the police has come by to take Danny's body away I still have no clue of my whereabouts from last night. What I don't get is how Danny got here, we're five to six hours away from town. I don't understand. I'm just so lost for words and theories of what has been happening the past week.

I walk downstairs to where Lesly and Grace are at, I see them just siting there. They both turn to me looking scared, worried, and confused about what to do.

"I'll come for you and your little friends." I hear a faint voice. I look around and see nothing. It didn't seem normal. I stood up so quick, that it made the girls jump from my fast movement. I run up the wooden stairs and walked into my sister's room. Shes asleep with dried tears on her face. I quickly grabbed her and run downstairs.

"What are you doing?" Grace asks, shaking still from what had happened yesterday. Shit, I, myself, am still shaken up from last nights events.

"Em?" Evie whispers waking up. She looks up at me looking sleepy. I look forward still walking out of the lake house.

"Let's go." I flat out say. I open the door and walk out of the house with my sister in my arms. We're only a year apart; but she's still my little sister, I'm supposed to protect her. It's my job. After Dad died, I learnt that I had to protect my sister an my mother. My older brother is in College. So, in a way I was the, I guess "man?" I just needed to provide the protection that my mom, and sister needed.

I set Evie in the back seat of the car as I see Grace and Lesly walking out with some of our bags. You could see that us girls were freaking out at what's wrong.

"Do any of you have the keys?" I asked. No one particularly looked my way for a moment. I was about to repeat myself but Grace answered me.

"Yeah, right here." Grace shows the set of car keys in her hands. Having all of us jump into the car. Just then out of nowhere it begins to fucking start raining. Seriously, What are thee odds.

"Alright let's go." Lesly nods. We all seem very determined to leave this place and go back home. I mean after whatever happened, wouldn't you want to leave and go home?

Grace fires up the engine for it to die down the second she fired it up. She tried again but for some reason it won't start up. Evie starts to cry even harder. I look at her grabbing her hand reassuring her that it's going to be alright. I get out of the car, opening the drivers side as Grace moves over. I hop in the drivers seat and give it a good jumpstart. The vehicle roared, it seemed like we all had held our breaths, since I heard all of us exhale.

I back out of the dirt driveway and stomp on the gas pedal trying not to swerve off of the road. As we are about to get off of the property i see a figure standing in the road not moving an inch. What the hell? My eyes go wide.

"WATCH OUT!" Lesly shouted. I stomp on the brakes as I breath heavily, this figure is still standing there not moving at all. As I'm gasping to catch my breath it sprints to the car making my eyes grow wide, feeling frightened. Grace begins to tap my shoulder repeatedly.

"Back up. back up, Back up, back up, BACK UP!" Grace starts yelling, soon Lesly and Evie start yelling too. I go in reverse and look at the dark figure and lock eyes with it. It's eyes.. they glow a fire red. I panicked. I turn the wheel and we drive back. I feel the tears start to form, ready to fall. We're all crying, out of fright.

I park the car turning off the engine, we all jump out of the car, sprinting to get back into the Lake House. It's now very muddy and pooring rain. We all get in slamming the door shut, locking it to keep whoever or whatever that was out on the road.


" What the fuck was that?!" Lesly yells.

"I-I don't know." Grace stutters.

"What the fuck." Evie starts crying.

"This can't be happening." I say under my breath. I didn't think they'd hear me but they did to my surprise.


"What's happening?"

"What are you talking about."

"This is going to sound completely crazy but that thing, it- it was in my dream last night." I tear up. The Television then switches on, out of nowhere. I furrowed my eyes to the screen.

"What?" Lesly questions. We all look at the TV, I walk over and turn it off. What the fuck is going on? I have never been so freaked out in my life.

"Hahahahahhahahah" I hear. I look at the girls. Making sure I wasn't the only one who heard that....laugh.

"Did you hear that?" I asked. They look back at me nodding their heads. The lights begin to flicker on and off. The TV turns back on but it plays the news.

"Here in Mystic Hollows there's a massive rain storm happening as we speak, please stay indoors, the streets are not safe, they will be closed off due to the flooding. The roads will be closed off for a few days, please be safe lady's and gentlemen. This is Wendy Young from Channel 5, Goodnight." I turn off the TV. I noticed that the lights have stopped flickering. What the fuck is happening!?

"What are we going to do?"

"I-I don't know, guys." I cry.


Damn that's fucking crazy what do you guys think they'll do?
Hope you are enjoying this!
All the love

IM 17 BABEZ!!!!

whens your birthday?
Hope you guys are enjoying this!!!

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