Chapter Eleven: The Night

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- E

• Grace •

The girls and I were sat in Empress's room not really saying much to each other. I think we just need to have each other's company. The silence in the atmosphere is not, awkward, it's more calming.

"I have to pee." Evie says lower than a whisper. I look at her in the corner of my eye as she stood up and going to the door to use the bathroom. I look at Lesly and Empress to see them sitting close for warmth. I scoot closer to them wanting to cuddle with them.

The light flickers. I look up at the light to see the ceiling light just bursts making the room go dark.

The sun is beginning to set. I could see how the girls are scared but of course holding it in. I don't blame them we we're raised to show no fear. To be strong. To be independent. To be confident in ourselves. Our parents were all best friends in Highschool and College. We grew up together, we fought but I mean what type of best friends don't.

"Ajhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I hear Evie yell. We all jump up from our spots and bolt to the bathroom. We jiggle the door pounding on it telling her to open the fucking door.

"Evie!" We yell. After countless times of trying to have her open the door. Empress trys to kick the door to which it didn't bust open. I hurried up down the stairs looking for something to break the door. I saw something that looked heavy enough, I grabbed a weight running back to the bathroom. The girls move back letting me hit the doorknob for the damn thing to fucking open. We run in to see Evie on the floor passed out.

"Evie?!" Lesly yells.

"Evie!" I shake her.

"What the fucking is happening?!" I shriek. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Where are you going?" I noticed Lesly running out of the bathroom.

"To call for help." Lesly yells. Empress grabs a cloth, running cold water on it.

"Evie wake up." Empress cries. I slide down to the floor. Wondering why this is happening to us.

Lesly comes back with the phone in her hand. I feel my eyes begin to water.

"Come on Evie!" I look to see Em giving Evie CPR. She puts her hands on her sisters chest.

"Em she just passed out." Lesly eyes widened.

"Oh ok so when people pass out they stop breathing too?" Em snapped. We look at each other. Lesly hops on the other side of Evie.

"Now." Em tells Lesly. Lesly holds Evie's nose and blows two puffs of air to her windpipe. We wait for a second. No response.

" Evie." Lesly groans looking at a knocked out Evie.

Empress pushes on Evie's chest a few times. She turns to Lesly signaling her to pass oxygen into Evie's lungs. We wait for her response, nothing.

The tears begin to fall from our eyes, no, no, no, please.

"Evie please don't leave me." Empress cries even harder, giving her more CPR.

"Breathe EVIE!" Empress yelled. She gives her sister a few puffs of air. She waits a few seconds.

Evie gasps. That weight on our shoulders has lifted. The worry we had, has gone away, for now. The sadness has gone away to be replaced with joy, replaced with relief, we tackle her back on the ground feeling our tear fall on each of us.

"Don't scare me like that Evie." Lesly cries.

"Never do that to me ever again." Empress cries on Evie's shoulder.
We just sit there rocking each other in each others arms, I've never felt so much sadness, pain, and worry in fucking life. My god.

"Evie why did you scream?" Empress asks breaking the silence. We sniffle.


A/ N :

Damn that was kind of intense.

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