Chapter Four: Biting Down

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----      Enjoy

Graces POV •

   It's now 6:30 pm and I'm about to tell the girls that we're going to watch a movie. I walk downstairs and see the TV on. When did that happen? I think to myself.

    I turn it off as I walk to the kitchen. I grab a few bags of popcorn an start to warm some up. As the popcorn is heating up, I grab the other snacks that we had brought to the Lake House. Grabbing the bowls that we'll be using, i set them on the counter, ready to be used.

   The microwave beeps making me turn to it and pick up the bag. I hiss at the heat almost burning my finger. I put another bag in an let it cook. I open the skittles, m&ms, and lickerish and other types of candy that we bought. I grab the containers filled with food and put them on the living room table. I walk back to the kitchen and look for clean glasses for us to drink out of.

Once I have found the glasses, I make my way back to the living room. I walk to the fridge to grab a few bottles of Water putting them in the bowl neatly. I grab the rest of the things for our movie night.

I walk up the stairs and turn where Lesly's room is. I see shes drawing. I move to where she is sat. She looks up at me and smiles, I smile back as she was about to go back to drawing, I speak.

" Come downstairs, I have a plan for us girls." I give her a toothy smile.

"Oh cool!" She stands up and walks to the living room. I'm guessing, I follow after her to see her pick at the popcorn. I run and smack her hand.

"You have to wait for Em and Evie." I tell her. Chuckling.

"They're still asleep." She looks at me. I then get an idea looking at Lesly giving her a look; she soon gets the same idea as myself. We tip toe up the wooded stairs, trying not to make a sound. We turn to Evie's room to see shes sound asleep with her earphones blasting loudly.

"Okay shes asleep, let's check Em." I whisper to Lesly. She nods. We both walk across the hall to get to Empress's room.

Same thing, earphones blasting, snoring, looking peaceful. But not for long. We walk back to Evie's room and I walk over to the right side of her and Lesly walks to the left side to her.

I give Lesly a quick nod, I slowly get on the bed, ready to scare her. Lesly sits down lightly, we both put our hands over her.

"On three." I whisper very lightly to where only Lesly hears. Even though Evie has her music blasting, I felt like I still had to whisper. I decided to take her earphones out and put them to the side.




"EVIE!" we both yell. She sits so quickly, her eyes look like they're ready to pop out. Lesly and I bust up laughing at her expression.

"What the fuck!" She breaths heavily. Evie then smacks both of us causing us to laugh even harder. Im laughing so hard that my eyes begin to water.

"Why would you guys scare me like that? Damn, you guys scared me half to death." She lays back down holding her chest.

"Ahahahhahahah, oh, oh, that was good, uh, Evie meet us downstairs were going to have a movie night." Lesly tells her.

"K. I'll bring the blankets." We all get up and Lesly and I walk to Empress's room to scare her. Empress's is the type to get creeped out, she doesn't get that scared, unless it's a clown then that's a whole different story.

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