Chapter Ten: Damaged

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Sorry this is short -E


• Evie •

I watched as each of us freaked out. I am still numb from seeing my boyfriend, laying there just lifeless.

We're all in Empress's room. All in a circle, too scared to speak. I tremble next to my sister still shaken up.

"I have to pee." I say lower than a whisper, no one in particular as I stand up from my spot. I walk to the door an make my way to the bathroom. I look both ways as if a speeding car is going to run me over.

I walk across the hall to the bathroom. I lock the door once I've entered the restroom. I switched on the light an turn to look at my reflection. I almost don't recognize myself. My face had lost some color. I had deep dark circles under my eyes. My eyes weren't the big brown eyes no more, no sign of light in them. My lips were chapped from the cold. I step to the toilet and do my business. I just go deep into thought. What the hell happened to our lives? Why did he have to die? Who killed him? Why was my sister all cut up and muddy? Where was she? When—

"Evie." I hear a whisper. I look up to see if one of the girls came in but then again...I locked it. I finished up my business, washing my hands.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I scream when I opened the door to see my boyfriend there, covered up by his blood and all muddy. No, I saw his body. He's dead, he can't be alive. I saw him being taken away by the parametics. The doornob began to jiggle. I screamed. I quickly grabbed the nob and held it in place, placing my hand on the door putting pressure on it to keep the damn thing shut.

"You're not real." I shake my head not believing of what I saw.

"Let me in!" I hear a pounding on the otherside of the bathroom door get louder.

"No! You're not real!" I scream closing my eyes shut. Not wanting to be here.

"Evangelina." My full name was spoken. I shot open my eyes, the amount of terror I feel in this moment, is, unbelievable.

No one in my family has ever called me my by my full name, only when ive been in trouble. Like I got caught doing something that I was told not to do.

"Leave my alone!" I fall to the floor bringing my legs up to my chest crying out for help. I need it to stop, I want this to stop, I can't take this anymore.

I continue to hear my name being yelled followed by pounding on the door, I'm surprised it hasn't broken yet. I rock back and fourth with tears streaming down my face. I feel paralyzed.

The door breaks open and in came my sister and two best friends. I'm laying on the ground, not moving, Its like everything is in slow motion, I can see clearly that they're next to me trying to get my attention.

I guess I'm just so Damaged.

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