Chapter Twelve: Coma White

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- E

• Grace •

We brought Evie upstairs to the room we were recently in. We are all hanging on to Evie. Empress is the oldest out of us all, the I'm the second oldest, Lesly's the third oldest and Evie's the youngest.

When we get our of here...ugh... I shake my head, wanting to leave as soon as possible. When the roads are finally cleared up, we will never come back. Something is here with us, and it feels like it doesn't want us to leave. Whatever I saw in the basement it scared the living shit out of me. Then Evie tells us that she saw her fucking boyfriend and heard his voice change to a demonic tone. I dont know what's next. I guess we just have to prepare for whatever is going to be thrown our way.

We sit in each others arms feeling too scared to even move. When Evie was explaining what happened in the bathroom, I had visualized it all in my head. The thing it self, the voice, the pounding, everything. I'm pretty sure so did Lesly and Em.

One of our phones began to ring. We all turn to the device to see who is giving us a ring. Turns out it's Lesly's phone. She picks it up looking at the caller ID.

"Should I answer?" Lesly asks worry all over her face.

"Who is it?" Emmy asks.

"It's Dean." She blinks. I nod my head telling her to answer.

"Yeah, do it." Evie agreed. Licking her lips out of habit.

"Answer." Empress bites her lip. Shes getting nervous, I could tell, they both were.

"Put it on speaker." I suggested. Les nods her head answering the call.

"Hello?" She speaks.

"Babe?" We hear his voice.


"Are—Are you ok?" He asks, he notices her shaky tone.

"Uh- Yeah, I'm fine, um what's up?" She asks.

"Oh I was just wondering if Evie's alright. And if you guys are safe, I heard about the flood over there." He says.

"Oh yeah we're inside, just hanging out. Like always." She looks at me.

"You didn't answer my question."
Lesly looks at me mouthing to me 'What do I say?' I shrugged my shoulders, not really knowing what to say.

"Yeah we're fine, Evie's just shaken up about Danny." Lesly bites her bottom lip.

"Well at least you guys are fine, how is she?" He asks.

"Shes holding up. We're just trying to cheer her up as much as we can." Evie sniffled. Her eyes begin to water again.

"Hey Dean come one man." We hear someone say.

"Who was that?" Lesly asks.

"Oh Andy, The guys an I are going out." Lesly nods her head.

"Oh well have fun. I love you Dean." She wipes a tear just as it was about to fall.

"I love you too Lesly." He says back, you can tell he has a smile on his face as he says her name. I mean it's Lesly! She the coolest person you can ever meet, Empress is the same, she can put a smile on your face when you're blue. Evie is the one to make you laugh at anything. It's a bit weird to see us not as cheery as we always are.

"Ok baby I have to go. I'll see you when you get back." Dean chuckled lightly.

"Ok, bye."


She hangs up the phone, she's somewhat happy but you can also see the sadness in her eyes. I don't know how I could take it if Andy... you know what I'm not even going to think about that.

I just want everything to go back to, us having fun and laughing, just being ourselves.

It's now night time and we're just siting on the bed not really moving much, when one of us had to use the bathroom one of us would go with.

I was about to say something when we heard something downstairs. We jumped at the loud bang feeling startled by the noise. We look at one another. Wondering what the fuck that was. Empress moves under her bed and grabs a gun. We look at her with wide eyes. Where the fuck did she get the fucking gun?

"Harry gave it to me." She whispered softly as if knowing what we were thinking.

She cocks the gun loading the weapon. She holds the gun firmly, crouching low as the girls an I move the the other side of Empress's bed.

Hearing nothing but our breathing. The sound of things being, what sounded like, furniture being thrown around  downstairs.

"Please be careful Em." Evie whispered softly as her sister goes and checks what's going on. Evie takes out her phone ready to dial 911. I look for anything to protect ourselves, under Empress bed.

• Empress •

I hold the gun firmly ready do shoot who ever this intruder is. I quitely step down the steps. Trying to not make a sound.

Once I've stepped on the last stair I saw the whole living room torn apart, the couches are ripped up some of the pieces of it are broken. The glass doors are smashed. I continue on walking around I go to the entrance of the kitchen and hold my pistol with a good grip. I count to three mentally and move in the kitchen to see it trashed. I bite my lip. The plates, glasses, pots and pans on the floor destroyed. I move to the pantry grabbing the handle, I hold for a few seconds and wipe open the door quickly holding my gun out, pointing it. Nothing, no one is here.

I relax a bit and shake my head. I walk to the living room again and look at the basement door. My eyes go a bit wide, I am not going in there. Hell to the no!

I close my eyes walking to the stairs. As I'm about to walk up I hear something back in the kitchen. I pause my movements, you know that feeling you get when watching a horror film and at a scary part, you feel like someone's behind you... that's  what I feel, I begin to turn around, holding my gun. I then face what I didn't think was real.

• Lesly •

"Fuck this." I stand up walking to the door, to give Emmy some back up. Im about to open the door when.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." We hear Empress scream. I grab the doorknob as Grace and Evie run with me down the steps to only see Empress up on the wall off the ground struggling to breathe.

"Empress!" I yell. Whatever was holding her up on the wall shows itself and let's Empress go. It turns to us. It's Red eyes look at us. I drop to the floor, not being able to breathe. I look to my left to see Grace and Evie on the floor as well.

"Stupid little girls." It laughs.

"What do you want?" Empress speaks still catching her breathe.

It smirks sinisterly at us as it laughs. I begin to feel very light headed.

"Your souls." I then fall completely to the floor being surrounded by darkness.


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