Chapter 8 - Looking

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I spent a few minutes calling the Dream Lord things that should never be repeated before realizing it was absolutely useless; he was gone and so was The Doctor. I closed my eyes and sighed, repeating those words in my head. The Doctor is gone. I sat down and stared at nothing as I let the meaning of those words sink in. That stupid Dream Lord ruined everything! He made me leave The Doctor for some stupid game, let me get closer to The Doctor, then took everything away.

I could feel the tears coming; the sting in the back my eyes, the blurriness of my vision, the warmth of my salty tears rolling down my cheeks. I was never going to forgive the Dream Lord. Never.

I rubbed at my eyes to clear away the tears and stood to look out my window. I stared up at the sky that was beginning to lighten up and wondered where The Doctor was. Did the Dream Lord talk to him? Was he worried about me? Was he looking for me? Did he even care? I stopped and thought of my last question. Did he even care? Of course he cared! He cared about me as much as I cared about him - a lot. Why would I ever think he didn't care? He always told me he cared about me, that he was always worried for me. I was the same way with him. I wouldn't want anything to happen to him.

I looked up at the beautiful, white, shining moon and hoped that maybe, just maybe, I might see the TARDIS. It was empty hope. I knew seeing the TARDIS wouldn't happen. I sighed and looked around my room realizing just how tired I was. I had gotten so emotional that it completely drained me. I climbed into bed, tossing the note from the Dream Lord to the floor, and drifted off to sleep.

                                                           * * * *

Sunlight was shining through the windows, burning my eyes a bit and lighting up the whole room. I sat up groggily and scowled at the window. Sleeping had definitely helped and I felt a bit calmer, but the light through the window was too bright and sunny. I got up and pulled the curtains closed, blocking out most of the sun, and sighed. I had to start looking for The Doctor, I couldn't take not being in the TARDIS by his side, listening to him yammer on about things I didn't know. I smiled a bit, thinking about him with his floppy hair and bow tie, running around the TARDIS console talking a million miles an hour.

"How do people even look for you?" I thought angrily. Then, something from the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned to it completely and saw my laptop. I bit my lip thinking about if it would work if I searched him on the web. I shrugged, making up my mind. It couldn't hurt to try. I turned on the laptop and typed "The Doctor" in the search bar on my home screen with fingers crossed in hope something would come up.


Sorry for not uploading in a while! Writers block! Still have it... =S I'm trying SO HARD to get rid of it!

Sorry for this chapter being kinda boring... Like I said, I still have writers block. At least I put something up! :3

SO who saw the quote in the chappie??? What is it? What season/episode is it from? Which Doctor was in that season? Who said it? And if it was The Doctor who said it, who was The Doctor? First person to tell me this information will get the next chapter dedicated to them(:

Hopefully my writers block disappeares and I can get another chapter up ASAP

-Kae A. <3

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