Chapter 5 - "Can You Hear Me?"

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Hey guys!! Long time no talk :)

I gots a new laptop! HAZAAA! So I'll be on more often and probably uploading more too.

SO enjoy this chapter x]

-Kae A. <3


Those noises, those terrible noises. It sounded like I was in the middle of a war. Shouts, gun fire, explosions. It was terrifying. I really didn't want to but I cracked my eye open a speck and saw darkness. 'Oh no.' I thought. 'Did I go blind?!' But, of course, I was overreacting like the last time at the school because looking to the side, my eyes fell upon a bright light.

Squinting, I saw it was just the television. Somehow it had turned on and was sitting on a show about some war. Lazily I sat up and searched for the remote. I couldn't see anything because it was so dark but I made do with the little light from the T.V. After minutes of searching, I decided to do something smart and stood up to look for it. Turns out I was sitting on the remote and every time I moved the volume was going up on the television. Annoyed, I plopped back down on the couch, turned the volume down to a tolerable level then flicked off the T.V.

I was plunged into darkness with the T.V. now off and everything was deathly silent; just like it was in the school. It was so eerie sitting there alone in my big, dark house. Little noises like the clock tick, my breathing, and the slight padding of footsteps were amplified a hundred times louder. Wait. The clock tick, my breathing, and....footsteps? I was frozen as I listened to the light steps get closer. My heart started pounding so hard and loud it seemed like the neighbors across the street would be able to hear it where they were if they listened close enough.

Who the hell was in my house? The sound of the footsteps got closer and I got much more scared. My palms started sweating, my heart beating faster. I had to cover my mouth with my hand to muffle my breathing. Whoever the heck it was in my house I pleaded with them mentally to leave without hurting me. Suddenly, I felt something soft brush against my leg. I screamed bloody murder jumping high into the air and back farther on my couch at the same time turning on the T.V. for light so I could see who I would be fighting. I looked around, breathing heavy, for the intruder. He was nowhere to be found. 'Damn, he's fast.' I thought to myself.

Something moving in the shadows on the floor caught my attention. I cautiously looked down to see what it was and cat. She looked up at me with big, brown, innocent eyes and mewed at me. The footsteps I heard was my cat walking around, and the brush against my leg was just her tail. I sighed in relief, slumping in a comfortable position on the couch again and let out a weak laugh at how stupid I am.

I carefully picked up my cat and stared into her eyes. "I oughta slug you," I quoted The Peanuts at her. "Don't you dare sneak up on me like that in the dark again, Mews!!" She simply blinked at me and mewed again. I couldn't help but smile at her as she made herself comfortable in my lap and laid down looking up at me wanting to be pet. Mews was a friendly cat. She would curl up in anyone's lap to take a nap or to get a nice scratch behind her ears. I rubbed behind her ears earning a little purr from her then started flicking through the channels on T.V. Nothing good was on at one in the morning. It was sort of depressing. What did the insomniacs watch at night when they got bored from not being able to sleep?

After a while of watching reruns, I started getting tired even though I had slept most of the day. My eyes started drooping but I was fighting against it wanting to watch the show. Finally, my tiredness won and I closed my eyes and relaxed. A male voice reached my ears from the T.V. saying there would be a new episode next. Eager to watch it, I snapped my eyes back open but when I looked around, I wasn't home anymore. I stared around the big, metal-ish room I was in. For some reason I felt like I knew this place.

I felt my lips mouth the word, "hello?" but didn't hear a sound escape my throat. A man and woman came into view from behind a tube-thing. I recognized them, then recognized where I was. How did I forget about them and this place? The man with the floppy brown hair and red bow tie was The Doctor and the woman with the curliest hair I've seen standing next to him was River and we were in the TARDIS. How did I get there, though?

The Doctor and River looked as confused and suprised as I felt. The Doctor made his way to me, talking a million miles an hour but...I couldn't hear him. I just stared at him blankly. Riversong turned to him and said something, gesturing towards me. Dang, I really wished I knew what was going on and why was I deaf?!!!  Also, how the heck did I get back on the TARDIS when, seconds ago, I was cuddling on the couch with my kitty, Mews, waiting for a new episode of my favorite show to come on?!! Ugh, this was terrible.

River turned to me and I read her lips as she asked, "can you hear me?" Well no, duh! If I could hear her, I would've said something as they talked about me right in front of me. I shook my head feeling terribly confused. Then I blinked and found myself sitting on my couch again with my fluffy kitty, in my dark house, in front of the television.

"Whaaaaaat?" I yelled out at the television, scaring my cat a little. What just freaking happened?!  I put my head in my hands as I felt a headache creeping up from all these confusing events. I just wished my life was normal.

But did I really?

Maybe right then everything seemed crazy but I had great times with The Doctor that I wouldn't ever forget or trade the world for. Like one random time, we were minding our own business on some planet when we came across a Dalek. We had no idea how the heck it got there or why the heck it was there and it was too weak to tell us. So we danced around it calling it names and taunting it. Finally, it got enough strength to power up it's laser meaning me and The Doctor ran for our lives, sides cramping because we were laughing so hard. It wasn't really a big time in my life when I was with The Doctor but it was the only thing I could remember right then. I could hear his laugh echoing through my head from the memory and see his face with that bright smile.

"Oh Doctor," I whined at the thin air. "Please help." I knew it was just in my head but I heard the Doctor's voice saying, "I'm here."


Hmmmm. No quote in the chapter so here's one:

"Look at this bench. What a nice bench, what will they think of next?" So, what season and episode was this and who was The Doctor?

OH!! NEWS!!!

This story is # 183 in Science Fiction and # 649 in Fan Fiction! Yay BUT of course this can do better! Do all the good stuff you do so it can move up on the lists!!

-Kae A, <3

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Uhh, Doctor Who? [ON HOLD]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें