Chapter 4 - Where Did Everybody Go?

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School was terrible...I'm convinced my teacher hates me...She gave me a detention for being late for class but I was the first one in the room.......urg...

WELL WHATEVER!!! Enough about dumb school!!

I neeeeeeeeed a cover for this story!! Dx If one of yoouu can make good covers or know someone who makes good covers pleeaase could you make one or ask them to make one??! One that has Matty...and makes him look good...makes him look...shmexy...yeh...awkward....

Well enjoy, my prettiesss >xD (<< to be said with a really weird-ass witch voice closely followed by an evil witch

-Kae A.<3



I couldn't get him out of my mind. He seemed so familiar. That hair, those clothes...that bow tie. How did I know him? Did I know him?

"Miss Walker!" Someone yelled, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see a very angry teacher staring down at me.

"Huh?" I said confusedly. She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell. Everyone jumped out of their seats, me being the first, and made our way to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Talk about saved by the bell, huh?" Jesse laughed. We threw or books in our lockers and went to the lunch room. "What's going on? Why are you all zoney today?"

"There's just a lot of stuff on my mind," I mumbled as we got on line to buy lunch.

Jesse frowned. "What sort of stuff?"

"The whole 'dream' thing."

Jesse rolled her eyes. "Oh, lay off it! It's just a dream! Forget about it."

"If you were the one who had the dream, you would understand why it's got me so bothered. It seemed so realistic and, in a way, this now feels like a dream." Jesse looked at me odd and I swear I saw something like fear flicker in her eyes. Odd. Everything in the past two days seemed very odd to me. Grabbing our lunches, we made our way to the table where the rest of our friends were sitting. Everyone was talking and joking around but I zoned out - again. I couldn't stop trying to figure things out from my dream and why the heck that guy looked so familiar to me. I was dying to know but quickly dropped it when I realized everything went silent.

I looked around to see everyone was gone. Was I too zoned out to realize lunch was over? No, one of my friends would have snapped me out of my zone. Where did they all go? Why was it so quiet?! Walking to the window, I flung it open and stuck my head out. The wind was blowing, rustling the leaves of the trees and bushes, but I couldn't hear it. Pulling my head back inside, I walked out to the hallway and looked in every classroom for someone. No one was here. It was all so weird! There was a deafening silence throughout the whole school. Suddenly, a thought hit me. Did I go deaf??!! Wait no, how could I have gone deaf? Just in case, I clapped and yelled "HELLO!!" at the same time. It wasn't too loud but after that silence, it startled me how loud it seemed. It calmed me down to know I wasn't deaf.

"Hello, sweetie." The voice came from behind me, making me jump about thirty feet in the air. My heart started beating a million miles an hour as I turned to face whoever it was that was behind me. I came face-to-face with a woman with very curly dirty-blonde hair, green eyes, and a bright smile. I was too startled to say anything. Where the hell did she come from?!!

I finally found my voice and was able to stammer out, "Who the hell are you?! And what the hell is going on here?!"

She held back a laugh and held out her hand to me. "Hello, I'm River Song." I stared at her hand before taking and shaking it.

"Okay, uhh, River Song...what's going on?!" I blurted out.

"You need to go home," she said, suddenly serious.

"What? Why?"

"You have to. The Doctor needs you." She was seriously confusing me...

"Uhh, Doctor who?"

"The Doctor. Just, please, go home and...take a nice nap."

"Uhh...whaaaa?" My mind was all weirded up and I was getting a headache. First, I have really weird dreams about a man and a box, then I see a very familiar-looking man, then everyone disappears in my school along with the sound, and now a woman who appeared out of nowhere is telling me to go home and take a nap so I can help some...Doctor. Oh, gosh.

"You had a weird dream a few days ago, right?" She asked urgently. I nodded. "Well, it wasn't a dream." I gave her a very confused look. Of course it was a dream. "You even know it wasn't a dream, don't you? You have a feeling it wasn't." I slowly nodded. "This right now isn't real - well I'm real and I'm warning you, go home now, take a nice nap and you'll wake up where you're supposed to be...with The Doctor." Oddly, I completely believed her. Slowly nodding my head, I agreed to listen to her. She smiled widely at me. "Good choice, now go, go! I'll see you there!" She touched something on her wrist then disappeared.

What the heck? Starting to feel unsure, I just stood in the middle of the quiet hallway. All of the sudden, I felt terribly tired; I could barely keep my eyes open. I rubbed at my eyes and decided to listen to that River Song and started home. It wasn't a long walk to my house but it seemed like it took forever because I was so tired. I opened the front door of the house and was too lazy to go up to my room so I just plopped down on the couch and fell asleep almost instantly.

The noises I heard when I woke up made me wish I was where I shouldn't be - standing in the middle of the hallway of that terribly quiet, empty school.


O.o Where did she end up, eh?! Even I don't know....TEEHEE

:o I made her say the story name hehe...

I'm soo proud of myself LoL :)) I made this up on spot and think it came out pertty good...whatchu think?!

I hope you enjoyed xD

I haven't got any answers from you guys about the game-thinger (Doctor Who quote - whoever is the first to say what Doctor what season and episode that is right will get the next chapter dedicated to them) sooo I'm just gonna start it next chapter and whoever wants to try, can try!!

Luv you guys :))

-Kae A.<3

So, yeah, pleeaase covers :D

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