The Huntress: Me AKA the Huntress

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Chapter 1


Amaryllis's POV. (Amaryllis, A-ma-rill-iss)

I gasped, waking up in a cold sweat. With my chest heaving, I scrambled out of my bed and ran to my bathroom. After gulping down a bunch of water, I stumbled back to my bed, collapsing. This nightmare, it came every once in a while and wasn't very clear, but after I turned 18, the nightmare came almost every night and was scarily vivid.

Sometimes it wasn't the whole nightmare, it was just my house going up in flames and scream of my mother, while the woman's voice echoed the 'Prophecy'.

The Prophecy.

"One child, the unpure hunter, turns.

With abilities and strength beyond any.

Death comes and sacrifices are made.

The war will change with a single choice"

When I wasn't thinking about anything, the old woman's voice rattled around my head. When I was doing something, it was pushed to the back of my mind, quietly repeating.

I decided I wouldn't be getting anymore sleep, so I got up. Walking towards the kitchen the words repeated themselves (no surprise there) in my head again. I should stop obsessing about them, I think I'm going crazy, I thought to myself.

'Ya think?'

I jumped surprised at the voice in my head. It sounded very very sleepy and tired, like it was going to just fall asleep then and there.

'Yeah, I'm pretty tired.' it said again

'Who are you...' I asked

'I don't know, I woke up exactly two weeks ago, I've been gathering strength to talk just this much' it said.

'You're probably just my conscience... exactly two weeks ago was my 18th birthday!'

'Yeah probably, your birthday huh? Weird'

I replied 'I'm gonna call you Constance! You know cause Constance and conscience is really similar!'

'Urgh ok.. I'm gonna leave now'

'Bye Constance'

I made myself some coffee, bacon, and eggs, while thinking I had finally lost it, talking to my conscience! I sigh, staring at the big painting of an Amaryllis flower leaning against the wall. I had almost finished, I just needed to add a few highlights here and there. I was an amazing artist if I do say so myself.

I was named after the Amaryllis flower, apparently because they are beautiful, slender, and have 'a silent grace to them' according to my grandmother.... just like me, she said.

My grandmother, my parents, all dead. My grandmother had died because of old age, which was normal, but it didn't lessen the pain. My parents however... killed by the most vile species ever to exist... werewolves.

My parents were Hunters. Like my grandmother and grandfather. And their parents. And practically everyone before that. Specifically designed to hunt out and kill werewolves and vampires.

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