Chapter 62

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Emma's POV:

Hook, David and I venture of deep inside the forest to find the abandoned cabin. The deeper we venture in, the more quiet it gets. And the quietness is not the peaceful type but it's the type that you will feel like thousands of people are following your every step. But luckily it's not sundown or else it'll be more eerie.

Once we're at a certain distance, we saw footprints belonging to two different person on the mud. The only thing we can do to find the abandoned cabin is to follow the footprints. So that's what we did.

We followed the footprints for a century, well, at least that's what I feel, before we saw the abandoned cabin.

"This should be it." I say.

Once the three of us are close enough to the cabin, we hid behind the bushes. The cabin looks dark; like the switch's not turn on, which means there might not be anyone inside except for Noora maybe.

"Looks clear from here." David says. I nod my head and we move to the other bushes and slowly closer to the cabin. We are standing right in front of the cabin and the wood looks faded and dusty and it definitely looks abandoned.

Hook takes the first step to the doorstep and push the doorknob but it seems like it's lock. "Let me." I say. Hook step aside, making a gesture for me to try opening it. I took out two bobbi pins from my pocket and start picking the lock. I give myself a smile because the lock is unlock. Never knew the trick Neal taught me will come in handy.

"Where did you learn to pick a lock?" David furrows his brows in confusion.

"Learnt it from Neal." I say.

"Oh." David mumbles.

David and I take out our guns and hold in place. I slowly push open the door; the sunlight shining into the cabin. "Hook, followed closely behind me." I say.

"Aye." David close the door after we have enter. Surprisingly, the fireplace is light up with red, orange burning flames.

"Do you think we should split up?" I ask.

"I don't think it's such a good idea though." David says.

"Okay fine." I mumble. There are spider webs and dusts everywhere around the cabin, especially on the corners of the room. The dust is making my nose tickle uncomfortably and I have to refrain myself from letting out a loud sneeze. The tables and sofas look clean to me, unlike the windows because particles of dust are clouding on the glass.

Noora is no where in sight in the living room so the next place to check is the kitchen. The kitchen is not that big so it's easy to find things. There are few cutleries on the drawer, plates, cloths, napkins and sharp knives. Sharp knives. It's really sinister to have lots of sharp knives in an abandoned cabin. I drag my finger across the table and it's dust-free, which means Zelena might have come here quite often.

There is no sight of Noora anywhere in the kitchen so there is no point for us to stay down here any longer so we decided to move upstairs. The three of us take small, light steps when walking up to the second floor. There are three rooms on the second floor and all of the doors are closed. That doubles up our work because we have to check every single room to find Noora.

She is no where to be seen in the first and second room so that leaves us to the last and final room. David step in front and turn the doorknob and to my surprise, it's not locked. This room smells really musty and old. There is a single bed in the middle of the room.

Sadly, Noora is no where to be seen, neither in this room. But that's impossible she's not here because Edward called and said that she is/was here. He has no reasons to lie about her whereabouts, so where is she? We look around the room and I found a dried deep red stain on the floor board. Blood. She must be here.

The blood stain looked like it was dripping from one's forehead or any parts of the body. I followed the blood stains and I suddenly halt in my steps because in the end, I'm standing in front of nothing.

"That's odd." I mutter.

"The blood stopped here." Hook says, pointing to the area where I'm standing. How is it even possible the blood trail stop right there. Wait! The one thing that is possible and can explain why we saw nothing it might be because of a cloaking spell. Zelena must have cloaked Noora inside this room.

"Noora's cloaked in here. Guys, we have to find something that maybe will help un-cloak her." I say. David and I tug away our guns before the three of us start to find something that might un-cloak her.

"Check this out." David says, pointing to the wallpaper that is already starting to peel from the corner. Hook and I walk over to the wallpaper where David stand and observe it.

My fingers are itching to peel off the wallpaper from the corner and that's what I did. I slowly peel the wallpaper from the corner and it peel off easily. Behind the wallpaper is a wooden board that are full of writings.

"What the devil is this?" Hook asks.

"I have no idea." I whisper, running my fingertips on the writings.

"I think the writings have something to do with the cloaking spell." David says.

"Well there isn't any button for me to press that says, 'show me Noora'." I mutter sarcastically.

Hook traces each of the words on the board with his finger and the wordings starts to glow in bright green. My head snap around when I hear a twinkling sound behind me. Noora's body is starting to show by itself, part by part.

"Woah." David gasps. Hook stops tracing the writings but the words are still glowing. The three of us take small cautious steps towards Noora's floating body, slightly above the ground. The side of her forehead has a gash and the corner of her lip has a cut.

"Oh my god." I say. I tried to touch her hand but there is a hard transparent layer preventing anyone from getting through her.

"She's basically unconscious and has another layer of protection." David sighs.

"On the bright side, mate, we found her." Hook places his hand on David's shoulder, giving it a gentle pat.

"But we can't wake her up nor take her with us." I say.

"At least we know she's here and I doubt Zelena's will start her plan right away so that will buy us time to think of a plan to save her." David announces. He has a good point though. I run my fingers through my hair and mutter a few curses before agreeing with him. Hook tried retracing the handwritings with his finger and luckily the trick worked and Noora is cloak again.

"Let's leave this cabin before Zelena comes back." Hook says, smoothing down the wallpaper before the three of us ran downstairs and leave the cabin. We made sure that Zelena's no where in sight before finding our way back out of the forest. There are pros and cons about what we saw earlier. The pros: Noora is not dead but asleep in a spell and we know she is with Zelena. The cons: we don't exactly know when Zelena will begin her curse and there is a possibility that Noora would not survive. No Emma! You have to think positive and have faith that she will survive through whatever Zelena's doing. My consciousness tells me. Well, I'm The Savior, right so my job is to have high faith and hope on everything.


Hey guys!! A new chapter here and I hope it's not boring. So about not updating a new chapter for a long time again, it's because of my studies again. I barely have time to finish a chapter in a week so what I've decided is to update every two to three weeks instead of every week. If I'm really free, I can try to write finish a chapter in a week. And yeah! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please keep on voting and comment. Byeee!

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