Chapter 24

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Emma's POV:

Once we got back to the sheriff station, everything turns back into an awkward silence. I got back to my work in the computer while Hook paces around the room but at times he will look through some files. I grabbed a packet of granola bar from my desk and took a bite since I was craving for food. The room was really quite until Hook broke the silence.

"Love, may I ask you a question?" He asked. If it was a question related to what happened just now, I will probably struggle to answer it.

"Sure. What is it?" I asked him, trying not to sound anxious or anything.

"Why did you hold my hand while we were in my ship and then you pulled away once people saw you holding my hand in the street?" He asked. This time he stopped pacing around the room and walked to my desk.

"Uh..." I can't find the right word to come out of my mouth. Shit! "It's complicated." Now I could spill something out of my mouth.

"What is?" He asked.

"It's nothing. There's something it wasn't suppose to happen happen." I said, referring to our relationship, well, friendship I guess.

"Why, Swan? Why do you always keep pulling back when you're close to someone?" He questioned. That was always the question I can't answer to anybody. I could admit the reasons but saying it out loud makes it odd.

"Hook, I can't. Just....hold on to that question. I'll answer you when it's right." I convinced him. The day that I could answer him is probably the day that I'll have my walls down.

"Sure, love." He smiled. I gave him a sly smile. One thing that I have found out is that when I'm with him, my walls are slowly coming down. Not only that but if Hook and I were in a relationship, just an if, my family won't approved of him. Especially David. I get why he is protective but I could handle myself. I don't really like to have to rely on someone. I'll have to checked on Belle since Zelena said that Gold has returned. I dialed her cell phone instead of the shop.

"Belle!" I said when she picked up her phone.

"Hey, Emma. Is there anything I could help you with?" She asked.

"I'm good. Is Gold back into his shop?" I asked. Hook hears Gold's name and tense up a little. I placed a hand on his shoulder to tell him it's fine.

"Yeah, he is. I've forgotten to tell you that he came back this morning. His clothes we're dirty and torn at some parts though." She replied.

"Ohh. Is he okay now?" I asked.

"Yeah. But I've asked him where is he this few days and he just kept his mouth shut like he couldn't answer me. Emma, is someone threatening him?" She asked.

"No. I'm sure not." I said.

"Ohh. Okay then, Emma. I'll talk to you when I'm less busy. Thanks for calling though. Bye." She said before hanging up the phone. I turned my attention to Hook and he looked right back at me.

"Is everything all right?" He asked.

"Yeah. What Zelena said is true. Rumplestiltskin is back in his shop." I said.

"I shouldn't have trusted that Wicked Witch." He grumbled.

"It's okay, Hook. Everyone makes mistakes. They are not always perfect." I said, trying to comfort him.

"Yeah and some people did mistakes without feeling any single thing." He said, probably referring to Gold.


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