Chapter 48

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Emma's POV:

I write a report about today's case, which is Gold's missing dagger, though I believe it's not that important. Gold should have told us where he kept it when we had asked him. If he did, I'm sure the Wicked Witch is not going to steal his dagger.

"You done writing your report?" David asks me.

"Of course not. Gold  and Zelena have cause us a lot of problems." I groan.

"Right now, we don't even know if it's Zelena that stole the dagger. We have not seen her in days and it's almost been a week." David says.

"You know what think?" I ask David.


"I think Sarah is posing as Zelena so she could make us think that Zelena is gone." I admit.

"Your theory make sense." David nod his head. "If Sarah is Zelena, she's taking care of Leo this whole time. She might harm Leo." David says before picking up the phone and dialed Mary Margaret's number. I quickly pressed the button to cut the line.

"David, stop! We don't even know if my theory is right. We need proof. Not just words coming out of our mouths." I exclaims.

"And if you're right?" David asks as he puts down the phone.

"We need proof, alright!" I groan as I massage my temples. This is giving me a headache.

"What proof can we get, Emma? You saw the glowing necklace in her bag. Wasn't that enough?" David sighs.

"That doesn't proof anything. The only thing we can do is monitor her move." I say.

"Okay, fine. If it really happens to be Zelena, I am going to kill her. Emma, I need you to really monitor her every move especially when she's with Mary Margaret and Leo." He says. I nod my head. "And Emma, you should take a break. I'll write your report." I sigh and push myself off the chair.

"It's almost lunch, do you want anything at Granny's?" I ask him.

He shook his head. "I'm good."

"Okay. Just give me a call if Belle calls you or anything." I say. He nod his head. I grab my leather jacket of the chair and grab my phone and purse before leaving the station.

While I was walking to Granny's, I saw Neal, who happens to walk to Granny's too. Shit! I don't want to talk to him or see him because of yesterday. He tried to kiss me but luckily I had stopped him.

"Hey, Emma!" Neal says, walking towards me.

"Oh, hey, Neal." I laugh nervously.

"Look, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have tried to kiss you. It was stupid of me to do that." Neal apologize while scratching the back of his head.

"It's okay. I'm sure it was just a mistake." I say. He looked at me in the eyes and I saw some emotions in them. I don't know what it was.

"Uh, yeah." He replies with a curt nod. Both of us walk in silent, side by side. Occasionally our arms will brush past each other and it gives me an unknown shock.

"So are you going to Granny's?" I ask him after a moment.

"Yeah. I've been out since this morning so I'm pretty exhausted." He says. We entered Granny's and it was less crowded.

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