Chapter 30

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Emma's POV:

All of us spent at least three hours to find some information on Zelena and we found a few. Regina found out that she had turned a wizard to a flying monkey before and it became her helper to find and kill people. In case you're wondering, Mary Margaret did not join us because she's napping in her room. Hook and I found out what kind of spell she wants to curse.

"A time traveling spell?!" Regina exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's what we found." I said.

"I've never seen a time traveling spell before in any of the spell books. In fact, it never works." She said.

"How do you know that?" Hook asked.

"If it works, don't you think anyone that wants to change their past would have already done it." Regina answered him with a 'duh' tone.

"What is the ingredient needed for the spell?" David asked.

"Uhhh," I went flipping through the pages and read some of the lines and finally found it. "Anything that is innocent, a golden brain, a beating heart and," I paused a second because I couldn't believe what is the next ingredient. "the Dark One's dagger." I finished off.

"The Dark One's dagger?" David looks at all of us.

"What happens if all the ingredients are complete?" Hook asked me.

"What it says here, is that a portal or something will opened up." I said.

"Obviously. So what we can all do now is that we have to make sure she doesn't get the complete ingredients." Regina said.

"The most we can do is," I paused for a while because I don't know what to do next. "I don't know! Maybe we should warn Gold first or something!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down, love." Hook whispers as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I took a few deep breaths.

"We don't even know if it's even true. How could it be possible for whoever who wrote this to even know that it'll work if it hasn't been tried yet." This is the first time after some time that Henry speak.

"He's right. But we should at least warn them first in case if  it's true." Regina said.

"Yeah. Let's go." I said as I grabbed my red leather jacket from the sofa. "Henry, you should stay here. If Mary Margaret needs anything once she's awake, help her." I said.

"Okay." He nods his head and went up stairs. We got into David's truck this time without any complaints or arguments. This is probably the first time in forever that we did not argue on anything in the entire car ride. Well, maybe some tiny argument with Hook and Regina. For this few days, I keep on wondering what is the history between Hook and Regina. Most of the time they'd always argue and some teasing going on; which makes me think, what are the relationship between them before Storybrooke was created. I don't want to sound like a jealous person but maybe I am. I know that Regina is with Robin now but it's still really suspicious. I don't know if I should ask him or just kept in quite. I pushed aside all of my thoughts and keep my eyes on the road.


We arrived outside of Gold's shop as I pushed the door which made the bells jingle again. Gold is standing behind the counter, wiping his collectibles.

"What now, dearies?" He asked in a annoys tone.

"Listen, we came here to warn you about something." I said. "We'd finally found out what is the spell that Zelena is going to cast and it's the time traveling spell." I continued.

"A time traveling spell? That's not possible. No one has ever succeeded time traveling before." Gold said in surprised.

Regina scoff and said, "yeah, and maybe she's going to be the one who enacts the very first time traveling spell." She rolled her eyes.

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