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November 29th, 2009

We’ve asked Daniel so many questions

He has locked himself in his office

And refused anything unrelated to choreography

“Where are we staying?”

“What is the stage going to be like?”

“Will we have a barre?”

“We aren’t going to be dancing on mud, are we?”

Daniel replied to the last one,

“No, of course not!  Do you think that you could possibly do a plié in mud let alone a triple pirouette?”

Other than that question

Which he must have felt was absurd enough

To grace with an answer

Besides that, though

We are usually given a response somewhere along the lines of,

“There is too much estrogen in this office!  Get out!”

Makes you wonder why he decided to work with ballerinas

He has told us that while we are not rehearsing and performing

We are going to be helping out on some service projects

“Putting those lazy muscles of yours to good use,”

Were his words

Ironic because our lives are dedicated to honing these very muscles into perfection

We won’t be raising much of a profit on this trip

But I’m calling it a service project

Because even though a few of our concerts will be ticket-based

For the few blessed with wealth in that country

To come and see our show

Otherwise, all of our shows will be free

(Something not every dancer is excited about—it cuts into our minimal pay)

It is our job to spread the art of ballet to the world

And Haiti is on our stop list

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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