Chapter 10 The Inside Story

Start from the beginning

“Where do you plan on putting all that food?” Dylan finally asked. His brows furrowed. He was looking at my plate and then to me. “You have a very tiny frame and yet you can eat a lot.”  Seth snickered.

“I have a big appetite, OK?” I said in between chews. “Besides, I am not one of those girls who get satisfied just by eating few pieces of leaves. I am just skinny but I eat well.” I added defensively.

 “That’s my girl.” I heard Seth say. “Someone who will not just stare at me on a date while I eat”

I rolled my eyes. “Like I would want to go on a date with you”, I said. It was Dylan’s turn to snicker. Seth just smirked. “What’s wrong with going out on a date with me? I do not see a boyfriend.”

I opened my mouth to say something but I stopped. I realized I did not know if I have a boyfriend or not. I did not get to say goodbye to Felix. I should call him, I thought. We still need to discuss things about us.

“What? You left someone in France?” Dylan asked, narrowing his eyes at me.  I pretended not to hear him. I continued eating. “Cate…” He called my attention again. I sighed. There is no escaping Dylan. He is very intuitive. He knew me too well.

“I may have.” I said, wincing. I heard Dylan sigh. “I did not get to say goodbye. I did not know I will be studying here.” I said still looking down, unable to meet Dylan’s gaze.

“You seem to do that a lot.” Seth said, scowling. I scowled back at him.

I glanced at Dylan and he had that unreadable expression on his face when he is deep in thought. I pushed my sunglasses up over my head and looked at Dylan. His unreadable expression unsettles me.

“You will be studying here?” Dylan finally asked, still not looking at me. He is now playing with his food.

“Yes.” I said. “Aunt Lily only told me last week. Ian sent me here for the summer and I just learned that I will also be staying here for another year until I finish high school.” I am still looking intently at Dylan but he won’t even throw me a glance.

“Where are you enrolled?” Seth was the one who asked. “Spence.” I said. He just nodded and went back to eating.

“Will you say something Dylan?” I begged him. I do not like Dylan when is he is really quiet. I prefer him teasing me to death. He finally looked at me.

“I don’t know what to say.” Dylan said quietly, shaking his head.

“I have something to ask.” Seth interrupted. “Why did you not even contact us when you were in France? A simple hi and goodbye once in a while would have sufficed.” Seth smiled a sad smile.

It is my turn to look down and be quiet. I could feel their eyes on me. What would I say? I have no excuse. I have just been a careless, insensitive friend. I had been so mad at everyone when I was sent to live in France. I rebelled by not talking to anyone, except Ian. It is unfortunate that I also cut ties with my friends back here.

“I don’t know where to start.” I said. I am unable to meet their gaze. I heard Seth say, “Start from when you left the country. “

“My reason is not valid. I am just an insensitive, selfish person. I didn’t want to leave…” I started. …but I had no choice. I had to live with my grandparents after my parents passed. I was mad at everyone for making me do things I did not want to do. I was sad and angry. As soon as I arrived, I was enrolled in a boarding school. Everything was different and nobody cared about how I felt or what I thought. There was no time to adjust. I cannot blame Ian because everything was also new to him.” Dylan and Seth are just staring at me now.

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