"Wait. Wait. Hey, hey, hey. No. I think before we do anything, you have to explain to me everything that is going on here." Barry-2 says and I look at Cisco and Wells.

"Ok, we'll tell you as we make our way out." Wells says and we dash out of S.T.A.R. Labs and make it outside safely.

"Barry, I'm not the Tori you know." I say to him and he looks at me confusingly. "Me and Cisco are from a different earth, and the other Barry you saw was from our earth." I say motioning to both me and Cisco

He widens his eyes as I say that and I tell him to calm down. "Ok, well the best hiding place is my lab at CCPD, I guess." Barry-2 says and I smile at him. "Thank you." I say to him and he nods with a kind smile. When we get to the precinct, I change into normal clothes and we tell him the rest of the story. "I need to go explain this to my wife." he says and walks out of the lab. "Well, what's next?" I ask looking at Cisco and Wells. "Find Zoom's lair, and save Barry and Jesse." Wells says and I nod. Soon, I hear footsteps and I see my doppelganger walk in with Barry-2. "Barry, why is Harrison Wells in your lab, and why is there someone who looks like me?" she asks and I sigh as I levitate a stool and put it next to the desk. "Take a seat, Tori. It's a long story." I say and she does as told. After we tell her everything, she looks at me and smiles. "Glad to know I'm still a bad-ass in another earth." she says and I smile. "Same here." I say and we both chuckle. "So, the Barry from yesterday was not you." Tori-2 asks Barry-2 and he shakes his head. "No. No, look, I know that this is hard to believe, but I mean it is just like that sci-fi series, Commander Carl: Space Marshal of the Galaxy, where Carl gets sucked into a black hole and ends up on another planet that he thinks is Earth, but really it's Earth of another universe." Barry-2 says and I look at him confusingly. "Have you guys not seen... Oh, it's a seminal episode. You should check it out." he says and I cross my arms as I lean on the desk.

"So that's why you weren't wearing your wedding ring yesterday." Tori-2 says. "And that kiss was so..."

"Wait, he kissed you?!" I yell.

"I'm sorry, he got frisky with you?"

"Well, he is my husband's doppelganger." she tells me and she shifts her eyes to Barry-2.

"He didn't hold back, did he?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Do you mind?" I motion to her Barry and she shakes her head.

I grab Barry-2's hand and drag him away from the group, "Wait, where are you taking me?" he asks me and I pin him to the wall and kiss him. At first, he tensed up, but he suddenly relaxes and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in. We pull away and I look into his green eyes and he looks into my brown ones. "The similarity is literally uncanny." Barry-2 says and I laugh. "Well, I am Tori, just from a different earth." I say and he smiles. We suddenly pull away from each other and walk back in to the lab like nothing had happened. "Zoom is looking for you. Why are you going after him?" Tori-2 asks Cisco and Wells. "Zoom has my daughter." Wells says and that's when Barry-2 and I come into their view. "And he has my boyfriend and we need to rescue them both." I say putting my hands on my hips. "Look, I wanna find Zoom just as much as anybody, but no one can track him. The only person who would know where he would be hiding someone would be a meta that's worked with him." Tori-2 says and I smirk. "A meta like Killer Frost?" I say as I look at Cisco. "Yeah, maybe, but Zoom kept her alive yesterday because she always obeys him. There's no way that she's gonna tell you where he is." Tori-2 says and I look at her. "I'm not so sure about that." Cisco says and I nod in agreement. "If she loved Deathstorm as much as our Caitlin loved Ronnie, I think she'd be more than upset at Zoom for killing him." I say and Cisco nods.

"Look, finding her is gonna be just as hard as finding Zoom." Tori-2 says and Cisco sighs. "But if anyone can do it, my husband can." she turns to face Barry-2.

"Right. Yes, I can actually." he says walking over to the computer and types on the keyboard. "Ok, well, looks like Patty Spivot was the CSI tech on most of the Killer Frost cases. She's pretty thorough, so--"

"What's that?" Cisco asks Barry-2 as something pops up on the screen.

"Oh, this is Killer Frost meta-data collected from numerous crime scenes. DNA trace movements, facial recognition, temperature fluctuations specific to her. My algorithm compiles all the data and gives us an approximate location. It works on most metas, except for Zoom of course. He's too fast, never leaves a trace." Barry-2 says.

"That's good." Wells says.

There was sudden a beep from the computer and I look at it intently. "Ok. Looks like the best bet's the woodlands." he says and I smile. "Best CSI in Central City." Tori-2 says and I nod in agreement. "I can vouch for that with my Barry." I say then look at Cisco and Wells. "You know where that is, right?" Cisco asks Wells and he nods then we head out. "Wait, I'm going with you guys. You're gonna need some help." Tori-2 says and I nod not wanting to object with my Earth-2 self. "Tori." Barry-2 calls and I turn to look at the two. "Barry, Zoom and his followers are the reason that my father is dead." she starts to say and I felt my heart break at that comment. "If I can stop him from killing anyone else, I'm gonna try." she says and Barry-2 nods. "Ok, then I'm coming, too." he says and I look at him with wide eyes. "No." Cisco and Harry say and I look at him with a frown. "Barry, this is not what you do." Tori-2 says to him and I nod. "It's probably best that you stay here." I say to him, but he shakes his head. "I know it's not what I do. But I also know that Richard didn't like me too much, but he was my father-in-law. If you're going, I am coming with you." he says to Tori-2 and she nods. Just seeing them stare at each other lovingly made me miss my Barry, and how much I wanted him by my side right now. "Alright. You can come, but stay out of our way." Harry tells him and I wipe a stray tear that had slipped. All of us walk out of the precinct, and I keep my hood up and a pair of sunglasses on to keep anyone from asking questions about why I look like the Tori from this earth. Then we head to the woodlands where Barry-2's computer had said where Killer Frost is. I just hoped that she would help us find Zoom's lair.

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