Chapter Eighteen - Surprises...they just keep coming

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Chapter Eighteen


After much debate we decided to call him Joey; hopefully a name he grow to like. Taking him round my parents where Ella's mom sat waiting; the expression on her face showing no enthusiasm. My mom cooing over Joey like he was a little dolly; sat on the sofa smiling as the warm atmosphere settles my stepdad saying "I'll give you that son he's got your eyes."

Grinning as I gently squeeze Ella, her mom sipping on her tea as I ask "Would you like to hold him?"

"I don't think you will cope with this much responsibility." Averting her look over to her daughter "She'll be fine she has me." Ella smiling up at me as her mother continues "Has your father seen him?"

Ella replying "Yeah he loves him."

"Shame you can't say the about him with Billie."


Ollie cutting in on the conversation "Hey hey hey there shall be none of that under this roof." Snuggling Joey in her arms before handing her back to me rocking him to sleep; Ollie smiling at me as she says "It's so nice to you both so happy."

At least someone was happy about it hearing the doorbell ringing I insisted on answering; opening up to my dad and Matt holding shopping bags. Standing aside as they walking to the front room hearing my dad greet everyone; rejoining them my dad's eyes sparkling as he looks at Joey "Hows my little man then eh?"

Billie answering "He's alright." Watching my father shake his hand as he says "For the sake of children I will be civil from now on but she's still my little girl." Billie nodding in agreement as spots me in the door way approaching me as he says "Ella, your dad will slaughter me and I'm willing to take that risk; i know it's only been almost two years and I'm sorry for all the things I've fucked up on..." The room turning silent as I look at him confused he continues "I've had time to grow up and think about priorities and I want to be with you all the time."

"Billie I-I don't get it."

My brother blurting "The soft git wants you to marry him."

Clasping my hand over my mouth looking over to my dad who had a look of resentment; looking back to Billie who stood looking down awkwardly at the floor.

Shrieking a yes as I fling my arms around him Ollie and his stepdad grinning from ear to ear; a contrast to my parents look of disapproval my brother hugging me as he whispers "Don't listen to them..." Putting his finger on his chest "You do what this wants because it's better to be an outsider than trapped in a world of unhappiness."

Hugging him tightly in the past seventeen years of my existence; it was most heartfelt thing he had ever said to me. My mum and dad taking their separate ways and leaving; staring up at Billie still unable to register what had just happened.

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