Chapter Six- Working under the influence

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Chapter Six


Spending my saturday afternoon chilled on my sofa, the sound of a knock on the door; forcing myself up and answering to Mike and Tre holding a box of drinks. "You guys do know I'm working today right?" "Yeah course but one won't hurt." He had a point, giving in and taking a bottle; one turning to five turning to seven. Glancing down at my watch Giggling "Shit I gotta go." Looking over to Mike "Hold the fort." Grabbing by jacket and stumbling out; arriving at her front door to the reaction "Oh for fuck sake." pointing at her as I reply "I would have prefered hello but I'll let it slide." She pulls me into the house shoving me into the downstairs bathroom; hearing the conversation through the door.

"Who was that?"

"Uh Billie...he's just using the bathroom."

"Oh, we'll be back tomorrow morning."

Beginning to scratch at the door as she unlocks it from the other side "What are you thinking?"

"If I told you you'd hit me and I don't want that because it hurts."

She scoffs storming off into the other room; following after her "Ella...Ella...Ella." Continuing to repeat myself until she replies "What?!"

"I'm sorry."

"I can't believe you."

Pulling my best puppy face "Not even now?"

She smiles turning away to hide her face bginning to sing to her "Oh love, oh love wont you rain on me tonight; oh life, oh life please don't pass me by..." She moves down the sofa; taking over her spot "Come on please talk to me."

"You could have lost your job!"

"Don't worry your little head about me."

Finally getting her to come round giving her a hug "Y'know your parents aren't back till tomorrow."

"And your implying what?"

"We could y'know."


"I was talking about making cookies, what kind of code are your parents teaching you?"

Bursting out laughing then becoming serious "But no do you actually wanna go make cookies i'm craving cookies."

"Flattering" I drag her to the kitchen and begin raiding the cupboards for ingredients. After twenty minutes of searching for flour and making the mixture; I realised she'd snuck off thinking of a way to call her back."Ella oh my god Ella quick!" Seeing her swing round the door "Are you ok?!"

"Where are the cookie cutters?"

Punching me in the chest "Don't fucking do that."

"Ouch!" Grabbing her wrist and putting her on the stairs as I say "Stay there and think about what you've done!" Going back into the kitchen; peering through the banister she was still there three minutes later.


Well today hasn't been weird - hint the sarcasm. - Still sat on the stairs as he shoves a plate of cookies under my nose I scoff "No thank." Pouting his lip "You no like my cookies?" Taking one just to shut him up as he says "Are you mad; I know I should know this but are you?"

"Your treating me like a five year old!"

He wipes icing on my face before kissing me "I love it, it suits you." As he gently licks my cheek "Billie...what...stop." Sitting back as he replies "Strawberries." Kissing him back as he blurts "I'm fucked do you wanna be too?" Almost falling down the step as I collapse from laughter Billie saying "That came out wrong I meant tired." Still laughing as I roll my eyes; heading upstairs, boy was he going to have a hangover from hell tomorrow.

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