- Chapter 14 -

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We find a table and the place is quiet and mostly empty since is half past night. We order and it’s when Bryan gives me the look.

“So…” He starts and I feel my chest aching. Please don’t talk about Harry, please don’t talk about Harry, please… “Did Harry-“

Holy crap “Bryan…” I sigh with annoyance. The last thing I want to talk about is how terrible Harry is and how concerned Bryan was with me.

“I just…” He sighs too, but it’s different from mine “I heard him screaming and he looked so mad that day… He can be so… so-“

“Stop, please Bryan. Harry…” why I feel weird saying his name? “Harry is a good guy and don’t try making me believe that he is violent or the complete opposite from what he is around me.” I try to keep calm. There’s no need to be mad but somehow I’m tired of listening to the two of them talking crap about each another. I just can’t understand who is saying the truth because right now I see myself defending the two of them and not believing in anyone’s word.

He looks kind of shock and I think I understand it “The way you’re defending him is almost like you two are in something...” is he kidding?

“What?” I like him how can he say something like that, how can he not see it?

Maybe the same way I didn’t realise that Harry loved me… if that.

“It’s just… You’re always with him,” no jealousy please “and he was with you when you were ill. I don’t know it’s just… I start to think that you-“

“Bryan” I interrupt him “I don’t – We aren’t okay?” I try to make eye contact with him but he drops it. I look at his hand which is rested above the table and decide to put mine above, as he did it with me once – or was it twice? He looks at me right when I feel the warmth from his skin “I-I like you…” I say and I think my heart is going to jump out of the place and I not only because I said those words, it’s also because something else I just don’t know it “Not him… you.” I smile and his faces lights up. He turns his hand so now he’s holding mine and interlacing our fingers – it’s different from when Harry does it but I like it.

“Really?” He asks and he looks like a child

“Yeah really, I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t feel it…” I feel my cheeks burning, I’m sure I’m blushing. “And for a while now.” I laugh a little to hide the nervous.

“Me too” he simply says and I think that I understand.

“So I’m really excited for Friday.” I smile bright, showing him that I’m really into it and changing subject.

“Me too. I have planned the costume and all” Shit I forgot about it. I really need to ask for Liam or Zayn’s help

“So how are you going?”

“Surprise” He winks and even if we drop our hands, our legs are interlaced under the table.

He teases me a little bit and then our order arrives so he starts talking about something that happened to him at the lab today and the way his lips move when he talks makes me feel the urge to stand up from the chair and kiss him. It’s all right, right? We like each other. Jeez, we like each other…

“So what did you-“ He stops talking when my phone rings. It’s a message

“Sorry.” I say while taking my phone from the pocket

Where are you Lou?


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