Sirius Black: how you met

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You sat in your room, listening to your best friend cry her eyes out over some boy

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You sat in your room, listening to your best friend cry her eyes out over some boy. She was completely heartbroken, the poor sod had been used for sex and once the pig shagged her he threw her away, as if she were some piece of trash.

You were a pretty calm girl, you hardly ever got into trouble but hearing what that idiot of a boy did to your best friend made your blood boil.

"Forget about him!" You said loudly, even though you didn't know who he was, she refused to give you a name.

You ended up dragging your best friend out of her room and into the library so the two of you could study, she'd spent all day cooped up in her room so you wanted to change the scenery for her.

"You're right Y/N!" Your best friend said as you both walked into the library. You just nodded.
"A boy ain't worth your tears!" Suddenly your best friend began to sob, was it something you said?

"That's him-" she cried into you. You followed her finger and found it pointing to 4 boys sat at a table, laughing and chatting to one another.
"Which one?" You snapped, you were ready to defend your best friend.

"The good looking one! God he's so gorgeous!" She sobbed again. "He won't even look at me!" Before she knew it you marched over to the table of the four boys who were minding their own business.

"Oi you!" You yelled getting their attention.
"Oh godrick, what have you guys done now?" Remus Lupin spoke. "Nothing moony- at least it wasn't me!" James said eyeing you up.

You were furious, how could someone just use another human being like that and then treat them like rubbish after they've gotten what they want.

"Who do you think you are?" You said pointing your finger into the boys chest. He had long black hair and a stunning face, definitely gorgeous like your friend had said.
"Uhh excuse me? Do I know who you are?" The boy asked as he cocked your eyebrow at you.

"That's not important!" You spat out. "You owe my best friend an apology!" The boy just looked at you, even more confused.
"You must be bonkers because I haven't done anything?" That irritated you, did he not understand what he had done was wrong?

"You're such a pig! Use a girl for a quick shag then chuck her to the kerb like she don't matter!" The black haired boy went to open his mouth but then shut it, as if thinking what to say next.

"Sod off sweetheart, I ain't done nothing." Sweetheart? How dare he tell you to sod off! "And tell your friend she's mental because I haven't touched her." It was one thing to call you bonkers but nobody insulted your best friend and got away with it.

Before anyone could say anything else you brought your hand up to the pig headed boys face and slapped him. The sound of your hand smacking his cheek echoed through the empty library.

"Don't insult my best friend sweetheart." You said through gritted teeth.

That's when your best friend appeared beside you.
"Bloody hell Y/N! What on earth are you doing?" She yelled at you. You just frowned.
"He can't get away with treating you like that!" You said annoyed but your friend only shook her head.

"That's not the one-" you froze as she pointed to the boy beside Sirius.
"It was Peter!"

James potter and Remus Lupin burst into fits of laughter.
"You dodgy little shit Wormtail!" James laughed out. "You let him take a slap for you!" Remus continued to laugh.

"I owe you for that! She would of broken my blooming jaw with a swing like that!" Peter said patting Sirius on the shoulder. He didn't laugh. He just watched you.

"You said the good looking one!" You said in disbelief. Your friend nodded, clearly the two of you had different ideas when it came to good looking boys.

You turned to the boy you'd just assaulted. He kept his eyes trained on your hands, worried you might attack him again.

"Uh- sorry about that." You said awkwardly, the boy said nothing for a moment.
"You think I'm good looking?" Sirius said without sounding embarrassed.
You were at a loss for words.

"I-I-I-" that was all you could say.
"What's your name?" He asked. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" the three other boys were still watching.

"I'm Sirius black." He said still watching you.
"Well I'm really sorry Sirius- I look like a real tool now!" He smirked at you.
"I'll forgive you if you kiss it better~" he said pointing to his red cheek.

You shook your head, was he serious? You just sighed, you owed the guy this at least. You bent down slightly so you were face to face with him and you quickly planted a kiss on his cheek.

The other Marauders looked shocked that you'd actually done that but then again you seemed full of surprises.

"Even?" You asked. Sirius nodded.
"See you," you said walking off, you hoped your cheeks weren't bright red but they were.
"That was blooming fantastic!" James laughed. "You alright pad foot? She got you good!" Remus smiled at his friend.

Sirius nodded before looking at where your figure previously stood. "Very interesting," he said to himself. He couldn't wait to have another encounter with you.


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