World Of Supernaturals: Chapter 2

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Nikki's Point of View

Sunlight blasted into my face as my eyes cracked open.

My mouth let out a groan before I grabbed a pillow and put it over my head.

"UGH! Nikki! Give me back my pillow!" I heard Avery's voice speak up from the pull out bed.

"Sorry, didn't mean to do that," I grumbled before throwing the pillow back at her face,

"Ow!" She screeched as the pillow hit her roughly in the face.

"Didn't mean to do that either..." I mumbled almost falling back to sleep.

"No. I'm awake now, let's go do something!" Avery's weird normal sounding morning voice said.

"Nah, Let's just sleep some more..."

"Not gonna happen." I felt a strong pull on my arm and I fell off the bed.

"What was that for?" I asked her rubbing the back of my head that had hit the floor.

"To get you out of bed, DUH," She rolled her eyes before turning around and walking down her stairs that lead downstairs.

"Why do you do this to me?" I grumbled still half asleep.

"Because it's what best friends do." She smiled at me.

"Are you sure that's what they do?" I laughed.

"Yes. I'm sure."


 "So, what do you want to do today?" Avery asked me taking a bite of a sandwich as we laid outside on her lawn, probably looking like freaks.

I shrugged looking up into the sky. "I just can't keep my mind off of that man we saw."

"Forget about him, Nikki." Avery said, reaching over and taking the other half of my sandwich. 

I cocked my head at her. "How about the park?"

Avery nodded and soon we were off.

When we arrived at the park, I sat down next to the creek and dipped my feet in. Avery sat next to me and did the same.

Avery tilted her head slightly. "What's that?"

I looked at where she was pointing. There seemed to be a small container under the water.

I hopped into the creek, not really caring about getting wet and waded out to it. 

I reached under and yanked. The box seemed to be stuck. I set my jaw determinedly and yanked harder. I nearly fell onto my bottom when it came loose. 

Avery helped me up and we sat on the grass. The box was small and well, metal. There was a shiny clear gem on the top with what looked like a dragon curled around it. 

"Should we open it?" Avery asked cautiously. 

"Yeah! I didn't pull it out so we could JUST look at it!" I reached for the latch and the box flipped open. 

Inside were two beautiful necklaces. One had what looked like a red rose charm and the other had a crystalline blue teardrop. 

Avery immediately grabbed for the rose and her jaw dropped open. "This is beautiful!"

I didn't answer. I couldn't get my eyes off the drop. I delicately lifted it out of the box and slipped the necklace around my neck.

It glinted beautifully.

"What's that?" Avery pointed to the bottom of the box. Letters seemed to be written on the bottom.

"F-O-A-S-B-T-O-E-L-T-M" I read.

"What the heck." Murmured Avery.

I snapped my fingers. "It's a scrambled message!"

Avery looked at me.

I got what she was trying to say. "No, Avery. I won't do it."


"No!" I folded my arms and fixed her with a glare. 

Her shoulders sagged in defeat. "Ok, I'll do it."

Avery ran her hand over the letters and after a second began to move and unscramble themselves.

"False bottom." I whispered.

Avery scratched her head. "Maybe-"

She was cut off as some bushes rustled nearby. I quickly closed the box and grabbed it, taking off. Avery followed close behind.

We got back to her house and we quickly closed the door behind us.

"Avery? Nikki? Is that you?"

"Yes mom!" Avery called out.

I had this sudden urge to hide the box. I grabbed Avery's old school bag that was hanging next to the door and quickly threw it in there. Avery gave me a questioning look, but didn't argue.

Avery's mom walked into the room. She was drying a dish and her hands were wrinkled from washing. 

"Avery, I was hoping-" Her eyes grew huge.

She took one look at our necklaces and fainted, the plate shattering when it hit the ground.


Hi peoples! Jake here! Any of you 'The Living Sparks' fans out there wanting more from the dynamic duo, Jake and Liana? Well, your wish has just come true.

I must say that it is nice to write from a girls point of view. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate writing from a guys p.o.v. but it seems that the guys i write often lose that fearless, kind of "I don't care" tough guy attitude. Ya know what I'm talking about? I mean, just look at Ryen! Super little shy guy! And even when I wrote Marcus' P.O.V. it seemed like he lost his guyish attitude. I dunno. 

I wasn't going to say anything but..... (:


My question for you all!

Which would YOU prefer to write in? Your own gender or the opposite?

My own, and preferably blond.


Thanks Lianna.

I really needed to ask you.

So... For me....



and FAN!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!


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